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Greek Architecture and Its Sculpture Book

Greek Architecture and Its Sculpture
Greek Architecture and Its Sculpture, From Athens and Arcadia on one side of the Aegean Sea and from Ionia, Lycia, and Karia on the other, this book brings together some of the great monuments of classical antiquity —among them two of the seven wonders of the ancient world, the later temple o, Greek Architecture and Its Sculpture has a rating of 4 stars
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Greek Architecture and Its Sculpture, From Athens and Arcadia on one side of the Aegean Sea and from Ionia, Lycia, and Karia on the other, this book brings together some of the great monuments of classical antiquity —among them two of the seven wonders of the ancient world, the later temple o, Greek Architecture and Its Sculpture
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  • Greek Architecture and Its Sculpture
  • Written by author Ian Jenkins
  • Published by Harvard University Press, January 2007
  • From Athens and Arcadia on one side of the Aegean Sea and from Ionia, Lycia, and Karia on the other, this book brings together some of the great monuments of classical antiquity —among them two of the seven wonders of the ancient world, the later temple o
  • From Athens and Arcadia on one side of the Aegean Sea and from Ionia, Lycia, and Karia on the other, this book brings together some of the great monuments of classical antiquity —among them two of the seven wonders of the ancient world, the later tem
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Preface     8
Introduction     10
Map     12
Enlightenment and Renaissance     14
Greek Temples - Form and Meaning     26
The Temples of Artemis at Ephesos     47
The Parthenon and Its Sculptures     71
The Athenian Acropolis - Propylaea, Nike Temple and Erechtheum     108
The Temple of Apollo Epikourios at Bassai     130
Lycian Tombs     151
The Nereid Monument     186
The Mausoleum at Halikarnassos     203
The Temple of Athena Polias at Priene     236
Notes     250
Bibliography     258
Index     266
Illustration Acknowledgements     272
Emergency vehicles     4
Lifeboats     6
Air rescue     8
Underwater emergencies     10
Police vehicles     12
Ambulances     14
Firefighters     16
Firefighting aircraft     22
Disaster help     24
Airport firefighters     26
Robots     28
Emergency rockets     30
Space rescue     32
Glossary     34
Find out more     35
Index     36









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Greek Architecture and Its Sculpture, From Athens and Arcadia on one side of the Aegean Sea and from Ionia, Lycia, and Karia on the other, this book brings together some of the great monuments of classical antiquity —among them two of the seven wonders of the ancient world, the later temple o, Greek Architecture and Its Sculpture

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Greek Architecture and Its Sculpture, From Athens and Arcadia on one side of the Aegean Sea and from Ionia, Lycia, and Karia on the other, this book brings together some of the great monuments of classical antiquity —among them two of the seven wonders of the ancient world, the later temple o, Greek Architecture and Its Sculpture

Greek Architecture and Its Sculpture

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Greek Architecture and Its Sculpture, From Athens and Arcadia on one side of the Aegean Sea and from Ionia, Lycia, and Karia on the other, this book brings together some of the great monuments of classical antiquity —among them two of the seven wonders of the ancient world, the later temple o, Greek Architecture and Its Sculpture

Greek Architecture and Its Sculpture

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