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Beneath the Skin: The Collected Essays of John Rechy Book

Beneath the Skin: The Collected Essays of John Rechy
Beneath the Skin: The Collected Essays of John Rechy, Beneath the Skin: The Collected Essays of John Rechy Book, Beneath the Skin: The Collected Essays of John Rechy has a rating of 2.5 stars
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Beneath the Skin: The Collected Essays of John Rechy, Beneath the Skin: The Collected Essays of John Rechy Book, Beneath the Skin: The Collected Essays of John Rechy
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  • Beneath the Skin: The Collected Essays of John Rechy
  • Written by author John Rechy
  • Published by Avalon Publishing Group, Inc., November 2008
  • When John Rechy broke out in 1963 as the bestselling author of City of Night, his novel about the underworld of gay male prostitution, he became a source for provocative commentary on sex, homosexuality, and culturally transgressive literature for publica
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Book Categories


El Paso del Norte3
The city of lost angels17
"Conduct unbecoming ... " : lieutenant on the peace line36
The army fights an idea49
"All it does is make you hate"58
The sunshine girl's homophobic pitch67
Common bonds and battles70
Masters and Johnson focus on homosexuality74
A case for Cruising77
Hollywood and homosexuality : heterosexual films in drag85
Twenty years of Gore Vidal : a candidate for canonization?94
Burroughs strokes again97
Memory babe101
AIDS : mysteries and hidden dangers104
The dean from Dublin : a truly civilized man108
City of night remembered111
Less than zero123
A high court decision and a sense of betrayal126
Carson McCullers' Reflections in a golden eye129
Muscles and mascara136
Sixty years later a gay classic enters (almost) the mainstream145
The outlaw sensibility150
A tough guy from L.A.168
Letter to Gore Vidal172
Letter to the New York review of books177
Sets and reps181
Sergei Eisenstein : a life in conflict187
Places left unfinished at the time of Creation191
Brother Paul, Sister Jan, Brother Hinn, God, and the folks197
Lay of the land : Christopher Isherwood's Lost years205
Randy Dandy : Liberace, American boy212
Holy drag!219
The horror, the horror : thoughts on the aftermath of September 11222
Beatin' around the Bush231
Sins of the fathers234
Cruise not gay! : the judge has spoken238
Lawrence brings it all back home251
From Sunset Boulevard to Mulholland Drive257
A star is killed272
A spirit preserved in Amber277
On writing : the terrible three rules282
Our friend the comma286
Fragments from a literary life290
He hugged moms and dads296













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