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Science and Theology in the Reformation: Interpretations of Astronomical Observation in Sixteenth-Century Germany Book

Science and Theology in the Reformation: Interpretations of Astronomical Observation in Sixteenth-Century Germany
Science and Theology in the Reformation: Interpretations of Astronomical Observation in Sixteenth-Century Germany, 
Beginning with an exploration of how the Reformers conceived the relationship between natural and moral philosophy, that is, physics and ethics, the author then investigates the relationship between natural law and the order of nature in the thought , Science and Theology in the Reformation: Interpretations of Astronomical Observation in Sixteenth-Century Germany has a rating of 3.5 stars
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Science and Theology in the Reformation: Interpretations of Astronomical Observation in Sixteenth-Century Germany, Beginning with an exploration of how the Reformers conceived the relationship between natural and moral philosophy, that is, physics and ethics, the author then investigates the relationship between natural law and the order of nature in the thought , Science and Theology in the Reformation: Interpretations of Astronomical Observation in Sixteenth-Century Germany
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  • Science and Theology in the Reformation: Interpretations of Astronomical Observation in Sixteenth-Century Germany
  • Written by author Charlotte Methuen
  • Published by Continuum International Publishing Group, August 2008
  • Beginning with an exploration of how the Reformers conceived the relationship between natural and moral philosophy, that is, physics and ethics, the author then investigates the relationship between natural law and the order of nature in the thought
  • Science and Theology in the Reformation sets the scene for a discussion of the role of theological arguments in the interpretation of astronomical phenomena in the late sixteenth century. Methuen engages with key figures such as Philip Melanchthon and Joh
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1 Introduction 1

Pt. I Nature and Order in the Theology of the Reformers

2 Natural Order or Order of Nature? Natural and Moral Philosophy in the Thought of the Reformers 7

3 Lex naturae and ordo naturae in the Thought of Philip Melanchthon 19

Pt. II Providence and the Interpretation of the Heavens

4 'This Comet or New Star': Theology and the Interpretation of the Nova of 1572 33

5 Special Providence and Sixteenth-Century Astronomical Observation 48

6 Time Human or Time Divine: Theological Aspects in Opposing the Gregorian Calendar Reform 61

Pt. III Confession and Authority

7 From sola scriptura to astronomica nova: Authority, Accommodation and the Reform of Astronomy in the Work of Johannes Kepler 77

8 On the Problem of Defining Lutheran Natural Philosophy 94

Bibliography 112

Index 125









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Science and Theology in the Reformation: Interpretations of Astronomical Observation in Sixteenth-Century Germany, 
Beginning with an exploration of how the Reformers conceived the relationship between natural and moral philosophy, that is, physics and ethics, the author then investigates the relationship between natural law and the order of nature in the thought , Science and Theology in the Reformation: Interpretations of Astronomical Observation in Sixteenth-Century Germany

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Science and Theology in the Reformation: Interpretations of Astronomical Observation in Sixteenth-Century Germany, 
Beginning with an exploration of how the Reformers conceived the relationship between natural and moral philosophy, that is, physics and ethics, the author then investigates the relationship between natural law and the order of nature in the thought , Science and Theology in the Reformation: Interpretations of Astronomical Observation in Sixteenth-Century Germany

Science and Theology in the Reformation: Interpretations of Astronomical Observation in Sixteenth-Century Germany

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Science and Theology in the Reformation: Interpretations of Astronomical Observation in Sixteenth-Century Germany, 
Beginning with an exploration of how the Reformers conceived the relationship between natural and moral philosophy, that is, physics and ethics, the author then investigates the relationship between natural law and the order of nature in the thought , Science and Theology in the Reformation: Interpretations of Astronomical Observation in Sixteenth-Century Germany

Science and Theology in the Reformation: Interpretations of Astronomical Observation in Sixteenth-Century Germany

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