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Playboy (Brazil) Year 2001 Magazine Back Issues

1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 | 1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017

Playboy Jan 2001
Playboy (Brazil) January 2001 magazine back issue cover image

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Playboy (Brazil) January 2001

Covergirl Luize Altenhofen (Nude)
Playmate of the Month is Vanessa Gleason
O Melhor Do Ano 2000 Vera Fischer Carla Perez Scheila Carvalho Axe Blond Alessandra Negrini E Mais 9
Cabeca Feita fizemos O Teste Do Gel
Boa Vida De Quanta Grana Voce Precisa Para Nao Trabalhar Nunca Mais
Moda Feirinha Basica Para Voce Pegar Uma Praia


Playboy Feb 2001
Playboy (Brazil) # 307, February 2001 magazine back issue cover image

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Playboy (Brazil) # 307, February 2001

Covergirl Vanessa Menga (Nude)
Playmate of the Month is Nana Cabral
Ele E Um Tira. Ele E Implacavel. Ele E Bacana. Ele E Bradock!
Abutres Entramos No Covil da Gangue Mais Trash Do Pais
Bebidas Energeticas Como Elas Mexem Com O Seu Corpo
Onde, Como, Quando O Quia Para Voce Se Dar Bem No Rio Neste Verao


Playboy Mar 2001
Playboy (Brazil) March 2001 magazine back issue cover image

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Playboy (Brazil) March 2001

Covergirl & Playmate of the Month Dany Bananinha (Danielle Soares Ramos) (Nude & Centerfold)
O Naufrago Ele Foi Atirado Em Alto-Mar. Agora Quer Ser Jogador De Futebol No Brasil
Incrivel! A Historia Do Santo Que Transou Com 5000 Mulheres
hGH O Bom E O Ruim Do Super-Hormonio Da Moda
Veronica Costa, A Vereadora Popozuda: "Sou Potranca Meeeessmo"
Interview with Jairo Bouer


Playboy Apr 2001
Playboy (Brazil) April 2001 magazine back issue cover image

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Playboy (Brazil) April 2001

Covergirl Ariane Latuf (Nude)
Playmate of the Month is T?nia Rodrigues
Bandidos, Assassinos, Psicoticos Os 10 Caras Mais Perigosos Do Cinema
O Rei Do Video Porno Kuma Conversa Explicita
Liberamos Pra Voce! A Nudez (Quase) Proibida Da Proibida Do Funk
Interview with Stanlay Miranda


Playboy May 2001
Playboy (Brazil) May 2001 magazine back issue cover image

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Playboy (Brazil) May 2001

Covergirl Luma de Oliveira (Nude)
Playmate of the Month is C?ntia Anderson
Moda Paleto Listrado E Calca Xadrez? Acredite: Essas Combinacoes Dao Certo
Paris Erotica Em Cartaz, As Mais Baixas, Delirantes E Tesudas Fantasias
Corvette 380 Km/h E Um Capo Com Forma De Mulher
Som & Imagem Radio, CD Player, Gravador, TV, Video: Tem Tudo Isso Dentro Do Seu Computador


Playboy Jun 2001
Playboy (Brazil) June 2001 magazine back issue cover image

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Playboy (Brazil) June 2001

Covergirl Fabiana, Elaine, Sara (Nude)
Playmate of the Month is Marcela Maines
Nosso Reporter Transou Nos 10 Moteis Mais Incriveis Do Pais
Acerte No Buraco O Que? Voce Ainda Nao Joga Golfe?
Moda Inverno Vista-Se Como Os Ricos
Patagonia Nao E Uma Fria Viagem Descolada Ao Fim Do Mundo


Playboy Jul 2001
Playboy (Brazil) July 2001 magazine back issue cover image

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Playboy (Brazil) July 2001

Covergirl & Playmate of the Month M?nica Carvalho (Nude & Centerfold)
Malhacao Inteligente A Nova Technica De Musculacao Total
Malhas Coloridas Nao Fique Cinza No Inverno
Etiqueta Na Cama Como Transar Na Casa Dos Pais Dela
Maquina A Perua Turbinada Da Audi
Interview with Everson RodrĂ­gues (Ratinho)


Playboy Aug 2001
Playboy (Brazil) August 2001 magazine back issue cover image

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Playboy (Brazil) August 2001

Covergirl Michelly Machri (Nude)
Playmate of the Month is Kimberley Stanfield
Ranking De Qualidade De Vida: As 10 Melhores Cidades Para Viver, Beber, Transar
Tudo Sobre Seu Melhor Amigo (E Nao Estamos Falando Do Seu Cachorro)
Boxe A Malhacao-Porrada
Ensaio Matador! Agarramos Luciana Gimenez!


Playboy Sep 2001
Playboy (Brazil) September 2001 magazine back issue cover image

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Playboy (Brazil) September 2001

Covergirl L?via Andrade (Nude)
Playmate of the Month is Heather Spytek
Colombia Drogas, Guerrillia E Mortes Que Delxam O Brasil Parecer A Suica
Tenis, O Calcado Onde Voce Esta Mitendo Seu Pe
Tenis, O Esporte Onde Voce Esta Metendo Seu Brico
Plastica Sem Bisturi Desenrugue Essa Cara


Playboy Oct 2001
Playboy (Brazil) October 2001 magazine back issue cover image

Buying Choices
Playboy (Brazil) October 2001

Covergirl Pamela Anderson (Nude)
Playmate of the Month is Lola Corwin
Joao Gordo O Punk Boa Gente Em Uma Entrevista Da Pesada
La Dentro! O Seu Voo Esta Sob Controle, Sera? Housaiss, Especial: 330 Nomes Para A Periquita
Teste 1: Voce Esta A Beira De Um Colapso? Test 2: Seu Ciume E Do Tipo Psicotico?
Fernanda Lima Promete(E A Gente Nao Desiste)


Playboy Nov 2001
Playboy (Brazil) November 2001 magazine back issue cover image

Buying Choices
Playboy (Brazil) November 2001

Covergirl Ellen Rocche (Nude)
Playmate of the Month is Dalene Kurtis
Entrevista Catherine M.., A Executiva Que Escandalizou Paris Com Suas Surubas
Para O Bem Da Ciencia: Tatiana Machado, A Dona Carminha, Em Mulheres Que Amamos
Moda No Trabalho Com Ou Sem Gravata
Tiazinha Avalia A Sua Cueca


Playboy Dec 2001
Playboy (Brazil) December 2001 magazine back issue cover image

Buying Choices
Playboy (Brazil) December 2001

Covergirl Scheila Carvalho (Nude)
Playmate of the Month is Luize Altenhofen, Scheila Carvalho
Entrevista Ciro Batelli, O Brasileiro Que Ganhou Las Vegas ( E A Hebe Camargo!)
Moda Praia Overao Dasustras
Digya Quer Comer Porcaria E Nao Engordar?
Comuras 11 Classicos x 11 Hi-Tech


1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 | 1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017
The Brazilian edition of Playboy is a local franchise of Playboy magazine published by Editora Abril in Brazil. Editora Abril licenses the Playboy trademark and manages all associated brands of Playboy Enterprises in Brazil.

The first issue was published in August 1975, under the name A Revista do Homem (Men's Magazine), since the official censorship of the Military dictatorship in place in the country vetoed the original name. The magazine was allowed to use its trademark name only as of 1980.

The Brazilian edition follows the general guidelines of the original magazine in the United States, featuring the trademark sections of the magazine, such as the monthly interview, the 20 Questions interview and the centerfold pictorial featuring the "Miss of the month", which most of the time, but not always, coincides with the month's "star" (cover). But the Brazilian installment has some sections of its own, such as Coelhinhas (Bunnies), which features unknown models photographed by freelance photographers (not affiliated with the magazine), and Click, which features candid pictures of celebrities of all calibers in seemingly revealing situations.

The magazine in Brazil also makes a much heavier use of celebrities to attract its target public, especially telenovela actresses and TV hostesses. This strategy is facilitated by the Brazilian general perception of the Playboy magazine as a tasteful medium for nude pictorials, as opposed to other adult magazines published in the country. This perception also attracts young models looking to use the exposition to launch their careers. Playboy also makes extensive use of circumstantial celebrities, such as stage assistants from TV shows or women who took part recently in TV reality shows.

In that aspect, the Brazilian version of the reality show Big Brother, created by Dutch production company Endemol and produced in Brazil by Globo TV, has been the main source of models for the magazine. Between May 2002 (about two months after the first season concluded on Globo) and August 2007, 13 female participants from that reality show have posed for the magazine, always on the cover; and two of them (Sabrina Sato and Antonela Avellaneda) posed twice, for a total of 15 covers on the magazine. Playboy has not, however, monopolized the nude or revealing pictorials featuring former participants of the TV show, since a few of the participants ultimately chose to appear in other adult publications, such as SEXY Magazine and the lad magazine VIP the last one, also from Abril). In a few of those cases, however, Playboy was not interested in signing on the former participants because it had been revealed that they had already posed for competing publications prior to participating in the reality show on Globo TV.

The record holders for most covers are actress and former model Luma de Oliveira, and dancer Scheila Carvalho, with a total of five covers each (Luma: September 1987, March 1988, March 1990, May 2001 and January 2005; Scheila: February 1998, September 1999, November 2000, December 2001, April 2009). The best-selling issue is the December 1999 issue with Joana Prado "Feiticeira" in the cover, with 1.25 million magazines sold.

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