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One For All ...

        Stepping into the building vestibule,
Stephanie Morgan shook the water from her
umbrella. It had only been a little over two block
walk from the bus stop, but she had gotten soaked
nevertheless. Opening her raincoat, the 24 year
old blond made an attempt to shake that dry as
It had been bad luck that her brother
Jerry's car had picked tonight of all nights not to
start up. He had promised to drop her off at her
friend Rachel's new apartment. No matter, she
reluctantly concluded, at least she was here now.
"Lets see," she mused as she ran her
finger across the row of intercom buttons.
"Alexander ... Markham ... Ford ... here it is,
Lieberman, 5B"
It took a few moments to get a response,
then a semi-distorted voice filtered through the
"Hello?" the female voice asked.
"Rachel, it's me Stef." she replied.
"Come on up," Rachel said as the buzzer
sounded and the inner door unlocked. "I'm in the
"She's in the shower?" Stephanie laughed
as she glanced back out into the rain covered

As she walked up the stairs to the fifth
floor apartment, Stephanie couldn't help but envy
her girlfriends new accommodations. To someone
still living at home, the small apartment complex
might has well been a palace. There was no way
the salesgirl could afford a place like this on her
Of course Rachel really couldn't afford a
place like this on her salary either. The building
was owned by Martin Lieberman, who when
asked by his widowed sister-in-law to help her
daughter find an apartment was more than happy
to find her this one. It was a small thing to make
a woman he'd admired for years happy. Besides,
having his niece living here assured him a honest
pair of eyes to watch over his investment.

Reaching the fifth floor of the small
apartment building, Stephanie found that there
were some limits to Mr. Lieberman's generosity
after all. Apartment 5B was a small studio
apartment, one of three on the top floor. Trying
the door, she found it unlocked and stepped
"Rachel," the blue eyed blond called out as
she closed the door behind her.
"I'm in here, Stef," came a reply from the
bathroom, a voice much more recognizable than
the one that had come over the intercom. "Make
yourself comfortable and I'll be out in a few

Hanging her coat, on the rack by the door,
Stephanie checked the short red dress she was
wearing. It was a little damp but otherwise okay.
She had gotten home late and didn't have time to
change clothes.

As she waited, Stephanie took in her
surroundings. The apartment might be small, but
it had a certain charm. The first feature she
noticed were large twin skylights in the ceiling.
The soft patter of rain could be heard against
them. On a clear day or night, they would give a
nice natural light to the room.
On the far left, a large bay window also
added to the natural light. The view beyond it
was nothing special, but it was a nice feature. A
kitchenette over by the bathroom entrance
consisted of a small refrigerator, a stovetop and
microwave. And of course a kitchen sink.
There really wasn't much in the way of
decoration on the walls, but then Rachel had only
been living there a few weeks. The center of the
room was dominated by a large green oversized
U-shaped sofa. In addition to the deep cushions,
it was covered with equally push and oversized
pillows. Rachel had mentioned to her that she
used the sofa in place of a bed.
At the open end of the couch was one of
those small self assembly entertainment centers,
the bottom of which was filled with her friend's
old stereo system . What was new was the large
35-inch color television, a housewarming gift from
Rachel's grandmother. The couch had been one
from her mother.

On both sides of the television were some
framed photographs. One brought a smile to
Stephanie's face. The 5 x 7 picture was very
familiar to the 24 year old. A smaller version was
stuck in the mirror frame in her own bedroom.
The picture had been taken last summer at the
Oakdale Mall Talent Show.
Centered in the picture was Rachel of
course. She always had to be the center of
attention. To her right was Stephanie herself.
That was when her hair had been down to
her shoulders, rather than the short curly look she
now wore.
To Rachel's left was a much smaller girl,
whose mixed Philippine, Chinese and Spanish
heritage had given her a soft brown complexion.
Her very short black hair and unisex features
gave her an androgynous look. In fact, if it wasn't
for the small mounds protruding from her chest,
she might've been mistaken for a teenage boy.
Her name was Annie Liu, but everyone called her
Penny. Despite her teenage looks, she was 20
years old.
The last member of the quartet was a tall
black woman standing just behind and to the
left of Rachel. Five foot ten, she stood half a head
taller than any of the others, more than that in
the case of Penny's five two. Her skin was ebony
black, a sharp contrast to both Rachel and
Stephanie. Most men first noticed her somewhat
ample bust. In the case of women it was her jet
black hair which she usually wore in an elaborate
design. At 26, Pamela Wilson was the oldest
member of their little band.
All four women worked at the Oakdale
Mall. Rachel was a medical assistant. Stephanie
was a sales representative at one of the large
department stores. Penny worked at her uncles
restaurant. She was also a college student.
Pamela was the associate manager of an office
supply store.
Despite their differences in ages and
backgrounds, they had all become friends over
countless shared lunches. Soon their friendships
had extended beyond work. The picture had
captured one of the highlights of that friendship.
Billing themselves as the Four Musketeers, so
named because those were the only costumes they
could find, they had entered the talent show
as a singing group. It was more fun than hard
work and the money went to charity. To their
surprise, they finished in second place. Since then
they still jokingly referred to themselves as the
Four Musketeers.

"We'd have gotten first," Stephanie
thought as she replaced the picture on the
entertainment center. "If we paraded around half
naked like Judy Peterman. The judges were
more impressed by her big nipples sticking
through her blouse than her singing."

"Any sign of the rain letting up?" Rachel
asked as she walked out of the bathroom.
"No, it looks like tonight's a total
washout." Stephanie replied as she turned around
at the sound of her voice.
"A pity." Rachel commented as she
walked over to Stephanie and kissed her on the
cheek as a friendly hello.
Covered only by a large bath towel that
she had wrapped around herself, Rachel walked
over to a large dresser that lined the far wall, still
drying her hair as she walked.
"It really sucks that it had to rain tonight"
Rachel said , pulling a pair of panties and an
oversized T-shirt from the top drawer. "I was
looking forward to that concert."
The original plan for the evening was for a
girls night out. One of their favorite local bands
was holding an open air concert in Marshall Park.
They'd planned to take dinner a couple of blankets
and a few bottles of wine out to enjoy the music.
Unfortunately Mother Nature had other ideas. So
rather than let the night go to waste, they had
decided to have a girl's night in instead.

"Penny and Pamela are picking up the
food." Rachel said as she unwrapped the towel
from around her and let it fall to the floor. "I'm
not sure what they're getting, but knowing Pamela
it's sure to be something interesting." she added as
she stood there nude as the day she was born.
"I guess so." Stephanie replied in an
strained tone.
Silly as she knew it was, Stephanie felt it a
little strange for her friend to be standing nude in
front of her as they continued their conversation.
It wasn't of course the first time she'd seen Rachel
naked. They'd gone to the beach many times, as
well as clothes shopping both together and as part
of the group. They'd shared dressing rooms many
times, but somehow it now seemed different --
somewhat out of context maybe, standing naked
in the living room. Then she reminded herself that
this was also Rachel's bedroom, a place where it
was perfectly natural for her to be nude.
Stephanie also considered that she felt
uncomfortable because when they'd first met,
Rachel and she had almost the same physical
build, the main difference being Rachel's darker
brown hair and slightly larger breasts. That
difference had grown to more than a few pounds
of extra weight on Stephanie. Despite assurances
from many of her friends that she looked better
with the extra weight, which was still within the
norm for her size, she always felt self-conscious
about it. It was an outgrowth of her teen years
when she had actually been overweight.

It didn't take Rachel long to put on the
pair of panties and the T-shirt she had taken out.
Since she was home and not planning to go out,
she didn't see the need for anything more. With
her breasts still a little damp, Rachel's much darker
nipples clearly showed through the thin cotton.
"Judy Peterman would've been proud."
Stephanie thought with a laugh as her discomfort

Fifteen minutes passed as the two of them
sat on the couch and chatted. They had seen
each other that morning so it was more a matter
of killing time until the others showed up than
anything else.
"Oh by the way," Rachel said, "Remind
me to give you keys to get in here before you
leave. That way you can let yourself in the next
time you come over. I've got one for Penny too
and I've already given one to Pamela."
"Okay," Stephanie answered.
"But be sure to check and make sure that
my name shows in the peephole plate on the
door." Rachel grinned mischievously. "Cause if
its blank, it means that I've got company and you
should definitely knock first."
Stephanie had to laugh at the warning.
Although living at home didn't afford her the
privacy to use such a system, she'd heard about it
from her cousin who used something like it at

The laughter was cut short by the sound of
the intercom buzzer. Rachel got up and pressed
the speaker button.
"Food delivery." came the voice from the
speaker which both women recognized as Penny's.
In reply, Rachel reached up and hit the
button that unlocked the front door.
"Come on up." she said.

She then went and opened up the
apartment door, waiting for their friends to come
"I wonder why Pamela didn't use her key?"
she said. "I hope she didn't loose it already.

The reason turned out to be even simpler.
When Penny got to the top floor, Pamela wasn't
with her.
"I hope someone is going to give me a
hand with this," the smaller girl called out as she
indicated the three shopping bags she was
burdened down with. "These aren't exactly light."

Rachel grabbed the largest bag, surprised
by its weight. It was obvious that it contained
more than take out food.
"Where's Pamela?" Rachel asked as she
led the shorter girl into the apartment.
"There was some sort of problem at the
store," Penny said as she laid the two bags of
food on the kitchen counter. "She said for me to
go along without her. Said she should be along
later, but looking at the way everyone was
running around the Office Bin, I doubt it."
"So I guess its just the three of us then."
Rachel noted as she helped Penny empty the bags.
"And as usual you've brought enough food to
feed a half dozen."
"Well I just like to give everyone a good
variety," Penny laughed. "Besides, my Uncle was
just going to have to toss it all if I didn't take it."

"And some of us can eat like a horse and
still look like a sparrow." Stephanie said from the
couch with a bit of envy in her voice.
"Oh hi, Stef," Penny said as she peeled off
her brown leather bomber jacket. "I didn't see
you at first."
"Story of my life." Stephanie laughed as
they exchanged a brief hug.
True to her sometimes tomboy image,
Penny was wearing jeans, sneakers and a short
sleeved corduroy shirt. Stephanie wished she
could dress for work like that. Penny's hair looked
like it was cut even shorter than the last time she'd
seen her. Most woman couldn't get away with
hair like that, but on the short girl it certainly

"So what's on the agenda for tonight?"
asked Penny.
"Well I guess some good food, a little wine
and whatever's on the TV." Rachel replied.
"With weather like this I think club hoppings out
for tonight. So its just us girls."
"Unless you have a guy or two in those
bags." Stephanie quipped.
Penny made a show of checking the two
empty shopping bags, then looked at her friends
with a disappointing look.
"I knew I forgot something," she laughed.
"And Willoughby's was running a special on cute
young guys tonight, too."
All three of them laughed at the joke as
they made up plates from the food Penny had
brought. Rachel took a cold bottle from the
refrigerator and poured them each a glass of wine
to go with the dinner.

Conversation over dinner made the meal
that much more enjoyable. They had just about
finished when Stephanie noticed the last of
Penny's packages still on the floor.

"So what's with the other bag?"
Stephanie asked as she ate.
"Oh I almost forgot," Penny replied with
excitement. "Let me get it."
Dropping the bag on the center of the
countertop, Penny peeled it away to reveal a small
statuette. It was a semi-nude woman riding a
horse. She was clad in battle armor and held a
sword and shield. Engraved on the base was the
title of the piece - Valkerie.
"It's just a little apartment warming gift."
Penny explained. "When I saw it in the Sci Fi and
Fantasy shop I just fell in love with it."
"It's beautiful," Rachel exclaimed. "I
know just the place for it."
With that, she picked it up and carried it
over to the entertainment center. A moment later
it occupied a place of honor on it.

"Guess we should see what's on the tube."
Stephanie said, feeling a little bad that she hadn't
brought a gift too.
"Might as well." Rachel said as she
picked up the cable remote. "Bring the wine in
with you."

As the girls settled in, each on their own
section of the couch, Rachel tossed the remote to
Penny who had sat to her right.
"Since you brought such a lovely gift, you
get to pick what we watch." she said.
"All right!" Penny yelled. "The ultimate
power -- control of the remote."

It quickly became apparent that even with
over 80 channels, there wasn't a great deal to
watch -- at least not tonight. Penny started with
all the prime movie channels, HBO, Showtime,
Cinemax, all showing films they had seen before.
Next she tried some of the oldies channels, some
of those classics were pretty good. But they
struck out there as well.
"It helps if you stop at a channel for more
than 30 seconds." Stephanie suggested with a
"Okay rocket scientist, lets see you do
better." Penny grinned back as she tossed the
remote across the couch.

"The secret," Stephanie said as she
clicked on the channel up button. "Is not to
randomly jump around the dial but to start at the
bottom and work your way up."
Channel by channel flashed by -- a
kaleidoscope of entertainment ranging from
movies to game shows, how to shows to cooking
"This is entertaining," Penny said. "Maybe
we should try a board game instead or maybe..."
The short black haired girl stopped in
mid-sentence, her attention grabbed by the image
that had just appeared on the large screen.
"Now that's what I call entertainment!!"
Penny cried out, pointing to the screen.
"Omigod, Rachel!" Stephanie gasped as
she turned from the screen to her friend. "What
are you doing with the porno channel?"
"Who cares?" Penny interrupted. "I like
"Its not what you think," Rachel said. "I
only ordered basic cable. Who has the money to
pay for all those premium channels?"
"And they all just appeared one day on
your TV," Stephanie laughed. "Like magic."
"Actually,..." Stephanie hesitated for a
moment. "When the cable guy hooked this all up,
he asked if I wanted all the stations."
"Yeah, right, you just smiled at him and he
gave you all this." Stephanie mocked with a
"All right, he also asked me to dinner."
she admitted.
"I bet I know what you had." Penny
laughed as she opened her mouth and slid her
hand back and forth in front of it, as if she were
performing oral sex.

"You know better than that, Penny."
Rachel said in a sharp rebuke.
"Oh that's right, I forgot." the 20 year old
lied. "You don't do things like that."

Truth was, Rachel actually didn't. In the
eight years of her sexual life, she'd performed oral
sex on a guy a total of only two times. The
second had only been to confirm the conclusion
she'd come to after the first: namely that it wasn't
something she ever wanted to do again.
It didn't make her a prude by any means,
she was far from it. When Rachel finally warmed
up to a man enough to want him in her bed, she
was every guys dream: a woman who was warm
and supportive in public -- and a wanton whore in
the bedroom. The only problem was that most
guys didn't make it to that level with her. Most
usually lost interest when they learned she didn't
suck cock. The cute cable guy had been one of

"Maybe Rachel doesn't," Stephanie noted,
her eyes glued to the television. "But that girl
certainly does."
The wide 35 inch screen was now filled
with the image of a large breasted blonde who
was giving quite a demonstration in the art of
fellatio. The young man's cock she had
swallowed practically whole was also quite
"She is good at it," Penny laughed.
"Maybe you should take notes, Rachel
Rachel made a disapproving face.
"Yeah, like that guys really that big! I'll
bet that's as fake as that bimbo's tits."
"Looks pretty real to me." Penny said.
"Special effects," Rachel suggested. "You
can't tell me you've ever seen a guy that big for
"I have ... " Stephanie started to say
without thinking, then caught herself."

It was a momentary slip of the tongue, but
each of the other girls caught it immediately.

"Tell, tell." they both called out. "Truth
or Dare. You know the rules."
It was a game they had played among
themselves, a game of sexual secrets. If any of
them admitted to a sexual secret, they had to tell
or take a dare. The dares had sometimes been far
worse than the truth.
"Come on Stef," Penny encouraged.
"Truth or Dare?" she added with wicked emphasis
on the second choice."

Stephanie considered the possible
consequences of a dare for a brief moment, then
decided on the truth.
"Robby McPherson." she answered in a
low voice.
"What was that?" Rachel asked, cupping
her hand around her ear as if she was hard of
"Robby McPherson!" Stephanie repeated
in a louder voice.
"Robby McPherson!" Penny also repeated
in an even louder voice.
"That computer geek who worked at the
mall last summer," Rachel chimed in. "That
Robby McPherson?"
"Yes." Stephanie responded simply.
"What the hell where you thinking?"
Rachel asked.
"I can't believe you dated that loser."
Penny added when Stephanie didn't reply.
"He was not a loser!" Stephanie snapped
back. "And I didn't date him ... I fucked him!
There I said it, are you happy." she added, taking
a large drink from her wine glass.
"Shit, Stef, that's even worse." Rachel
said. "Why would you do a thing like that?"

In reply, Stephanie held up both hands and
brought them together until they stopped about
nine inches apart. Her meaning was obvious to
her friends. It was a gesture they'd use in
reference to guys many times. The only difference
was that this time it wasn't a diminutive allusion.

"You're shitting me." Rachel said, eyeing
the gap between her hands.
"Honest truth." Stephanie said, a term
none of them would ever lie about.
"Fuck!" Rachel exclaimed. "Who'd have
ever thought it."

"Wait a minute," Penny cut them off.
"Not so fast."
Stephanie and Rachel both turned to their
"Look, I'm willing to accept that maybe
Robby McPherson, jerk that he might have been,
is hung like a horse. And I'll even admit that given
the chance, anyone of us would've fucked him
too. But there is no way that you could've known
that before you hopped into bed with him!"

"Actually, it was the back seat of his Dad's
car." Stephanie grinned. "And I did know, my
brother Jerry told me."
Both girls remembered Jerry Morgan had
also worked at the mall last summer. In fact, he
had been one of the few people who had been
friends with Robby.
"How would Jerry know how big he was?"
Rachel asked. "And why would he tell you?"

"The same way I know Judy Peterman has
a large birthmark mole on her ass: the locker room
showers." Stephanie said. "And as to the why, I
asked him once out of idle curiosity who had the
biggest cock in the mall."
"I still don't buy it," Penny said. "If my
brother asked me which girl in the shower had the
best boobs, I can't imagine answering him. And I
definitely can't imagine me asking him to check
out cocks for me -- or have him actually do it if I

"Well, maybe he would," Stephanie
answered with a devious smile on her face. "If
you'd gotten him laid."
"You got him laid?" Penny asked in
"Well he thinks I got him laid," Stephanie
admitted. "Actually all I did was introduce him to
Gloria Nelson."
"You got him laid," Rachel stated with
authority. "All you had to do was introduce him
to that teencock hungry bitch."

Gloria Nelson was a 37 year-old assistant
manager at the Oakdale Mall. Twice divorced, it
was no secret among most of the women who
worked there that the redhead had a weakness for
barely legal boys. Her various sexual escapades
would have been enough to get her fired, if not for
the fact that her family was one of the most
prominent in town.
Unless one of her conquests turned out to
be underage -- she was always very careful about
that -- or one of the young men filed a complaint,
even more unlikely after she had freely given them
what they all would agree was one hot piece of
ass -- Gloria would continue with her little

"I guess that would be enough to get him
to check out some cocks for you." Penny finally
"To be honest, since that's the nature of
the game," Stephanie mused, "I think most guys,
Jerry included, do check the others out, to see
how they compare with each other. They just
don't want to admit they look at other guys."
"That's probably true." both girls agreed,
remembering secretly checking out classmates in
the showers back when they all started to develop.
"Now can we forget about all this and
watch the movie or something?" Stephanie asked.
"Okay," Penny agreed. "But I'm still mad
at you for one thing."
"What's that?" Stephanie asked somewhat
"You knew that twerp had a 9-inch cock
and you didn't tell any of the rest of us!"
All three of them burst into laughter as
Rachel refilled all their glasses.

For the next three quarters of an hour, the
girls watched the adult film, offering jokes and
comments about what they saw. Also during that
time they finished off the first bottle of wine and
worked their way halfway through a second.
Rachel had also thrown a bag of popcorn into the
microwave. After all, what fun was a movie
without popcorn?

The plot of the movie, such as there was
of one, was that of an adult television station
trying to pick its new fall line-up. A mixture of
men and women sat in a boardroom, watching
short clips of various pilots. It was one such show
that the girls had already watched. The clips were
short on plot but long on sex. As they went on,
the members of the selection committee became
more and more aroused. A condition each of the
girls could sympathize with, even if they didn't
want to admit it.

The appearance of a small Asian woman
on the screen brought immediate comments from
Rachel and Stephanie that she resembled Penny,
though in fact the multicultrual girl was different
everywhere beyond Asian features and similar
"I don't look like that," Penny declared in
mock protest, adding with a laugh, "I have much
nicer tits."
It didn't take long for the Asian actress to
become involved with her male co-star. In fact, it
took less than two minutes for these supposedly
total strangers to get naked and go at it. As they
did, Penny's friends continued to remark at how
much the girl on the screen really looked like her.
"I don't know Penny," Stephanie mused
as she watched the actress deep throat the man
who was as generously endowed as the actor in
the first clip. "We've double dated and I have to
say, that sure looks like you."
"Yeah, are you sure you haven't been
moonlighting?" Rachel chimed in.
"Why?" Penny laughed. "Are you

Their friendly barbs continued as the
on-screen couple continued their endeavors. The
man climbed behind the girl and positioned his
cock against her ass. With a loud grunt, he
pushed his manhood inside her, accompanied by
squeals of encouragement from his partner.
"Ouch!" Stephanie cried. "That's got to
"Well, that proves that's not me." Penny
grimaced. 'This little ass is much too tight for
something that big." she quipped as she patted
her bottom.
"I don't know," Rachel mused. "I've
heard that if it's done right it can be quite fun.
After all, isn't that what gay guys do? There has
to be something pleasurable about it."
"Well when you find out, you can let the
rest of us know." Stephanie retorted, wondering
if perhaps her friend had already tried it and didn't
want to admit it.

Another scene change brought an older
woman in her forties to the screen, already riding
atop a young man who couldn't be far out of his
teens. Almost immediately all three of them called
out the name of Gloria Nelson. The fact that this
woman was a brunette instead of a redhead
mattered little.
"I guess that makes that your brother Jerry
laying underneath her." Penny offered.
"No way," Stephanie retorted. "My
brother has a much better bod."
As one, Penny and Rachel snapped their
heads around to look in astonishment.
"Oh come on, you both have brothers."
Stephanie added tartly. "You can't tell me that
somewhere along the line you haven't gotten a
peek at them, just like I'm sure they've gotten a
peek at you."
Silence gave truth to her assertion. It was
obvious that the wine, and the movie, were much
responsible for her frankness.

Back on the screen, the Gloria Nelson
surrogate was riding the younger man like a rodeo
rider atop a bull. Her large unrestrained breasts
bouncing in all directions. The look of ecstasy on
her face was a powerful enticement to the joys of
teenage boys.

"What do you think will happen first?"
Penny asked. "He pops his cork or that bed
collapses beneath them?"
"I'd say 50 - 50 either way." Rachel
"I'll go with his popping his cork,"
Stephanie bet. "That bed is stronger than it looks."

Less than an minute later, Stephanie won
the bet as "Gloria" suddenly jumped off the young
man and spun around on the bed, her hand never
releasing it's grip on his hard cock. Soon as the
brunette's face reached his boyhood, it exploded
in a shower of hot whiteness, covering her eager
lips and cheeks with his eruption.

The preview faded from view, to be
replaced by another scene. It looked like the
locker room of the local high school. From off
camera, the sound of running water could be
heard from the showers.
"Anyone care to guess what kind of scene
this one is going to be?" Penny asked, turning the
movie into a sort of guessing game.
"My guess is the Quarterback and
Cheerleader." Rachel said as she tossed half a
handful of popcorn into her mouth.
"Teacher and Student's my guess."
Stephanie said.
"I'm going to go with a gang bang."
Penny offered with a wicked grin.

The Asian girl won that round as the star
of the little epic, a tall statuesque blonde dressed
in a very tight white uniform came into the locker
room. Evidently she was supposed to be the
school nurse. She acted surprised when the sound
of running water ceased and a half dozen naked
hunks walked into view.
In no time at all, the busty blonde was
laying on one of the benches, a stiff member in
each of her hands, a hard one in her mouth, a
fourth and fifth in her shaved pussy and tight ass.
Standing just off to the right of the after-school
orgy was the best looking of all the guys, playfully
stroking the largest cock of the group and waiting
for an opening he could put it into.
"Guess she never heard of the idea that
you can have too much of a good thing." Rachel
"Maybe," Penny said. "But I'd be glad to
take care of the odd man out there."
"Get in line girl." Stephanie cut in.

For so energetic a scene, it turned out to
be surprisingly short. The odd man out never did
find his hole, but joined in with his buddies in
giving the nurse a cum shower.

"Well, so much for the idea that more is
better." Rachel said.
"Yeah, I think I prefer my sex one on
one," Stephanie added.
"Me too," Penny chimed in. "Well, maybe
two on one, but no more than that. Except maybe
on special occasions of course."

Rachel and Stephanie both laughed, not
sure how much of Penny's statement was intended
as a joke.

The scene shifted back to the boardroom
were several of the network executives were now
in various stages of undress, already engaged in
sexual acts. One of the female executives, a dark
haired thirty year old, was spread across the table,
her dress up around her waist, her legs spread
wide. Buried between those legs was the face of a
male executive. Kneeing beside that man was one
of the secretaries, her own mouth wrapped tightly
around the cock sticking out from his three
hundred dollar suit.
At the head of the table, the silver-gray
haired chairman of the board was also missing the
lower half of his high priced suit, his own cock
however was not as visible. Instead it was buried
in the red-haired mound of the second secretary
who was being mounted doggie style by the senior
At the head of the room, the narrator of
the film, who had also introducing the TV pilots,
was trying to ignore the spectacle before him. He
continued to tell about the last show on the
agenda. It began to run on the monitor as the
narrator threw up his hand in surrender and pulled
out his cock, sliding it into the mouth of the

The boardroom image faded, replaced by
the kitchen of a small apartment. Standing at the
counter, her back to the camera, was a young
Hispanic woman in her twenties. Wearing a pair
of cut off shorts and a red and white striped tank
top, she was pouring herself a cup of coffee. As
she turned to face the camera, a second cup be
came visible on the counter. A smile crossed her
lips as she tasted the steaming liquid.
Another figure then entered the kitchen, a
light skinned brunette wearing a blue bathrobe.
Her tousled short hair gave added evidence that
she had just gotten out of bed. Pushing a lock of
loose hair away from her eyes, she accepted the
second cup of coffee. In a brief chat the new
arrival's name was revealed as Donna and the
coffee maker's as Modesta.
In no time at all, Donna's robe fell opened,
revealing a soft body accented by small curving
mounds, the pink nipples of which were both hard
and visible. The cup at her lips was quickly
replaced by the equally hot lips of her companion.
With dazzling speed, the darker skinned
girl traced a wet path down from the brunettes lips
to her breast. The nipple of which quickly
disappeared between her lips.

"Oh my!" Stephanie gasped as she
watched the onscreen encounter advance to the
next stage. She had crossed the room to pick up
some more muchies, but had stopped in mid step
at the sight.
In no time at all, Modesta's attention
dropped below her companion's waist. Stephanie
had seen women kiss each other on a few daring
television shows, had even seen them caress each
other's breasts in an R rated film, but never had
she seen a woman performing oral sex on another
The camera zoomed in, giving a close up
view of Modesta's tongue darting up and into the
pink recesses of Donna's pussy. The picture was
so vivid that Stephanie could see the shiny layer of
nectar Modesta's ministrations had produced.

'God, could you ever imagine doing
something like that?" Stephanie asked, her eyes
never leaving the screen.

It took a few long seconds for her to
realize her friends hadn't answered -- which she
found unusual. She couldn't ever remember them
being at a loss for words!
"Could you ever imagine doing anything
like that?" she repeated, assuming they hadn't
heard her.

The continued silence finally broke her
fixation on the screen. She turned her attention
back to Rachel. The look on her girlfriend's face
was akin to that of a kid who'd been caught with
a hand in the cookie jar.

"You're kidding!" Stephanie declared.
"Well, if you can be honest about Robby
McPherson, then I should be honest too." Rachel
"I don't believe it," Stephanie said. "I
think now you're putting me on. Who have you
ever done it with?"

Rachel took a moment to think about her
answer. Stephanie expected Rachel to say some
distant friend, if anything. Instead the brunette
looked past the blond to the other end of the
Stephanie followed her line of sight, until
it stopped on an equally guilty face.
"Oh no, you had me going for a moment,"
Stephanie said, a touch of amusement in her tone.
"But now you're stretching this a bit too far --
just a little bit over the top. That was almost as
good as that story you had me believing about
Tracy Conway last month.

Tracy Conway was a somewhat masculine
woman in her thirties who also worked in the Mall
at a sporting goods store. One night, following a
few hours of bar-hopping, the other girls had
convinced Stephanie that Tracy was female as the
result of a sex change operation. It took
Stephanie a week to discover it had been a joke.

Stephanie looked again at both of her
friends. Neither one of them were laughing this
time. Instead they shared a silent communication.

Without a word Penny got up from the
couch and walked past Stephanie. When she
reached Rachel, the young Asian woman reached
up and gently stroked her cheek. Then she pulled
the taller woman down to her level and kissed her
on the lips.
It was a soft kiss at first, the kind that one
friend might give another, no different than some
Stephanie herself had gotten. Then it became
more and more erotic, a melding of lips and eager
tongues. Rachel responded in turn, pressing hard
against the younger girl.
Stephanie was still trying to decide if this
was a gag when Penny pushed the game even
further. She slipped her hand up under Rachel's
T-shirt and fondled the naked flesh beneath it.
Breaking the kiss, she pulled up the thin
material and planted kisses on Rachel's now
exposed breasts as well. Mimicking Modesta's
actions on the cable station, Penny slid her tongue
under Rachel's erect nipple and guided it into her

"Shit," Stephanie finally exclaimed in a
rush of air. "This isn't a joke."

With that, the two lovers ended their
embrace and faced their friend. Their faces now
reflected a look of expectation.

Glancing back at the TV image, Stephanie
noted that the two woman were now locked in a
69 position, their mouths pressed tightly in each
other's wet mounds. What truly startled her was
that, in her mind, instead of Donna and Modesta,
the forms she now saw pressed together were
those of Rachel and Penny.

"Is it really as much fun as it looks?" she
wondered out loud.
In reply, she felt a soft hand come to rest
on her shoulder.

"We'd be happy to show you if you're
really interested." Rachel said. "The only reason
we never asked before is we weren't sure of how
you'd react."
"Then why did you tell me now?"
Stephanie asked.
"Honestly, I'm not sure," Stephanie
laughed softly, trying to break the underlying
tension. "I didn't plan it this way, it just seemed
the perfect time."

Stephanie thought about it for a brief
moment and decided that events had indeed made
this the perfect time. The wine, the conversation
they'd been having had put them all at ease with
what would normally have been a very awkward
"And if I thought that this wasn't the sort
of thing for me?" Stephanie asked.
"Then I hope we'd just forget it all and
still be the same friends we all were 10 minutes
ago." Rachel replied.

Stephanie again looked past Rachel to
Penny. The younger girl hadn't said a single word
since Stephanie's revelation. She didn't have to.
The look in her eyes and on her face was a
mixture of apprehension and lust.

"Well I've always said," Stephanie said,
placing her hand atop Rachel's. "You should try
everything in life -- at least once."

She shifted her body ever so slightly, just
enough to bring herself face to face with Rachel.
Leaning forward, she pressed her lips against her.

It wasn't the first time she had ever kissed
Rachel. There had been many occasions when she
kissed other girls, but never like this. The touch
of their lips now seemed electric. A warmth
spread throughout their bodies from that brief
contact. The kiss was at the same time both brief
and endless.
Still unsure of the situation, Rachel let
Stephanie take the lead. It wasn't until the blond
kissed her a second time that Rachel began to
Stephanie closed her eyes and the passion
building within her take control. She pushed her
tongue into Rachel's mouth, exploring the
softness of it's mirror image.
Rachel took hold of Stephanie's hands and
pressed them against her breasts. Tentatively, she
explored the material covered mounds. It was the
first time she had ever felt the softness of a
another woman's breast, the hardness of erect
As Stephanie continued to explore her
friends body, Rachel slid her own hands up and
down her friend's back. She took hold of the
zipper of her dress and pulled it down, exposing
the flesh beneath it. She caressed that flesh,
running her nails across it.

The touch of a new hand caused Stephanie
to open her eyes. Penny now stood next to her as
well, a wide smile on her face. Stephanie shifted
her attention to the youngest of her friends and
kissed her too. A kiss equal in intensity to that
she had just given Rachel. To Stephanie's delight,
the reaction she felt to it was also the same.
The three young women stood interlocked
in the center of the room, kissing, exploring each
others bodies, loosening clothing and searching
out the flesh beneath it.
"Maybe we should all just take a minute
and get comfortable." Rachel suggestion.
The other's nodded their agreement, and
they all took a few steps back from each other.
Rachel was wearing the least so it took her only a
few seconds to drop her shirt and panties to the
floor. Standing naked in the center of the room
for the second time that night, she took a moment
to shut off the television. There was no longer any
need for it, not when a much more interesting
entertainment was about to commence.
Penny and Stephanie took only a little
longer. A small pile of clothes rested at each
girl's feet, topped by undergarments of various
designs. Now they all stood naked, looking at
each other during an awkward pause.
Only a short time before, Stephanie had
felt a little strange looking at Rachel's naked
body. Now she looked with a different eye. All of
them took a moment to look at each other.

Stephanie was surprised to see that Penny
had shaved the hair between her legs. She knew
from brief glimpses that there never had been
much there to begin with. But the absence of that
little bit made the small girl seem even more like a
teenager. Rachel on the other hand, had a wide
patch of dark brown hair. Stephanie's own bush
was somewhere between the two extremes and a
light blond.
Even their breasts formed a sharp contrast,
not just in size, ranging from Rachel's 38C to
Penny's 34B, but in the very shape of them.
Stephanie's were very rounded with wide pink
circles around short pink nipples. Rachel's
mounds were conical in nature with puffy areolas
that stuck out even further. Penny had the darkest
nipples of the three, a rich dark brown against
butternut skin.

"So now what?" Stephanie asked as she
tossed her hands up in the air.
"Why don't you make yourself
comfortable on the couch," Rachel suggested with
a smile. "and let us take care of getting things
Thinking it not a bad suggestion at all,
Stephanie sat down on the center of the wide
couch. Rachel and Penny sat down beside her,
tossing the larger throw pillows onto the
hardwood floor. They would come in handy later.

Penny kissed Stephanie. Then Rachel
kissed Stephanie. Then, leaning across the middle
girl, Penny kissed Rachel. As they did, they each
cupped the closest of Stephanie's breasts, playing
their fingers across her nipples - enjoying the
stiffness found there.
Stephanie couldn't help but compare the
touch of the two women to that of men she'd
known. For the most part, it was softer -- yet at
the same time much more erotic. As were the
sensations it produced. Even more pleasing were
the waves of delight that filled her breasts when
those skillful fingers where replaced with even
more talented mouths.
Matching tongues traced a path across
supple flesh, until they met in the rich valley
between the mounds. There the two lovers kissed
once more before parting in different directions.
Penny continued to kiss and caress
Stephanie's breasts, alternating between soft
touches and gentle bites. Working her way back
to Stephanie's willing mouth, she pressed her
darker breasts hard against the those of the girl
beneath her. The nipple to nipple contact was
enough to elicit a soft moan from Stephanie. A
moan cut short by the crush of Penny's mouth.

Rachel had moved her attentions lower,
dropping down to sit on one of the oversized
cushions. With a hand on each of Stef's thighs,
she spread them apart to expose the blond-framed
Burying her head between the pale legs,
Rachel ran her tongue along the length of her
friend's womanhood -- her heart racing with
excitement at the idea that she was the first
woman ever to do so. The scent of Stephanie's
already damp mound was intoxicating, a feast
waiting to be savored.
Not to be denied, she drove her tongue up
between the folds of those sugar walls, clearing a
path to the clitoris. A path quickly followed.
"Oh God!!" Stephanie gasped as she felt
Rachel's tongue strike her like the spark to a
match. It was enough for her to momentary
forget the girl still playing with both her breasts
and mouth.
But only for a moment as Penny lifted
herself higher and guided one of her own rich
mounds to Stephanie's lips. Her mouth still open
from her gasp, Penny pushed her erect nipple
between the blonde's red lips.
There had often been times when
Stephanie had often wondered what it might feel
like to suck on a woman's breasts. Her own
mounds were too small to try it on herself. She'd
included sucking on a man's nipples as part of her
loveplay, but she was sure it wasn't the same.
Now with the reality between her teeth,
she knew that her earlier conclusion was right.
Playing with a man's nipples was nothing like the
real thing of a woman. She could taste Penny in a
way that she never could a man, delighting in the
mixture of soft and hard. She ran her tongue back
and forth across the dark, pert tips, trying to
repeat the pleasing affect that Penny had produced
in her.
As the now saturated nipple slipped from
her lips, Penny wrapped her hands around the
back of Stephanie's head, guiding her face to the
soft spot between her breasts, inviting her to feast
there as well, an invitation Stephanie was all too
willing to accept. She licked her way across the
damp skin, enjoying the heady aroma filling her
nostrils. Then with girlish delight she repeated her
performance on Penny's other mound.

Her interest still fixed on Stephanie's
pussy, Rachel slid one finger, then another deep
within it. The initial wetness she found there
increased as she moved her fingers back and forth.
With their motion waves of enchantment
expanded to fill Stephanie's relaxed form.
Rachel augmented the touch of her fingers
with that of her tongue, reaching her friend's most
sensitive spots as if they were familiar as her own.
In truth many of them were identical.
If Stephanie had time to think about it --
which her two friends were definitely not allowing
-- she might have appreciated the irony of the
situation. Rachel, who cringed at the thought of
taking a man in her mouth, had no such hesitation
where another woman was involved.
"This feels so fucking good!" Stephanie
moaned as she laid back and enjoyed the
two-pronged assault on her body. "I don't think
I've ever felt this fantastic."

As Penny climbed off Stephanie, Rachel
also moved back. Together they guided their
neophyte lover onto the large pillows they had
earlier tossed to the floor. As soon as Stephanie
laid across the pillows, Rachel again spread her
legs and went right back to where she left off.
Penny had other ideas. It was time
Stephanie learned how to give as well as receive.
Squatting over Stephanie's face, Penny dropped
down until her pussy was only a few inches above
Prior to this moment, Stephanie had never
seen another woman's sex close up. The fact that
Penny's was totally hairless gave it an even more
interesting perspective. The first thing she noticed
was that for such a small girl, Penny had an
unusually large clitoris. It was almost like a tiny
No imagination was needed for Stephanie
to figure out what Penny wanted. Unlike Rachel,
Stephanie never had a problem with oral sex, so
with virginal enthusiasm, she reached out with her
tongue and ran it across Penny's erect clit.
"Oh yeah baby," Penny panted. "Go for
Go for it Stephanie did, pulling Penny's
clit between her lips, massaging it with her
tongue. Then she swept it back across the length
of Penny's pussy, savoring her first taste of a
The scent of Penny's sex was almost
overpowering, and to her delight she learned with
her first lick that the taste was all she hoped it
would be. Penny lowered her pelvis further so
that Stephanie could have easier access to her wet
Slowly at first, Stephanie licked the
younger girl, exploring her womanhood. Then
she began to quicken the pace until she reached a
rhythm that sent little ripples throughout Penny's

Ripples that mirrored those filling
Stephanie's body as Rachel continued to work
magic between her legs. As one hand continued
to slide outstretched fingers up and down the
blond framed love canal, the brunette's other hand
worked the same enchantment on her own -- with
much the same results.

Faster and faster all three of them went,
plunging down the well of ecstasy. It was a race
to rapture - a pursuit each wanted to win.
To her surprise, Stephanie produced the
first orgasm as Penny's body suddenly convulsed
against her mouth and it filled with a blast of
honey. It was such a sexual rush that it sent
Stephanie's own body over the edge, showering
Rachel with the same gift. A reward she hungrily
Finally, Rachel joined the chorus, mere
moments behind the others, propelled by the
symphony of her fingers

"Oh my god!" Stephanie exclaimed as
they laid naked on the floor, still entwined in each
other's bodies. "I can't believe how intense that
was. How did you ever get the idea to try
something like this ... and how long have you been
doing it?"

"Well it was originally Penny's idea."
Rachel replied, running her hand alongside
Penny's cheek. "And we've been doing it, as you
call it, for the last six months."
Stephanie turned to Penny, but before she
could ask the question on her lips, Penny
answered it with a laugh.
"I've been doing it since I was 16. What
can I say? I've always been an advanced learner."

The other two girls joined in the laughter
as they continued to stroke and kiss each other.
They all knew what had just happened was only
the beginning. There would be many more little
adventures in their collective future.

"Err ... Rachel," Stephanie suddenly asked
seriously. "Remember what you said earlier
tonight about the nameplate on the door?"
"Of course," Rachel answered, wondering
why Stephanie was suddenly concerned about
something so mundane.
"I think you might want to try and
remember that a little harder in the future."
Stephanie continued.

"Oh shit!" Penny cried out abruptly,
cutting off any further inquiry Rachel might have
had about Stephanie's sudden tangent.

Rachel followed Penny's gaze until all
three of them were looking at the front doorway.
An entrance now filled by the tall figure of a dark
skinned young woman in a bright red raincoat,
holding a silver keychain in her hand.

"Fuck!" Rachel blurted out," "Pamela!"

They all sat silent after that for long
seconds, like statues in some far off garden.

"Looks like I missed one hell of a party."
Pamela said as she pulled off her raincoat and
draped it over a wall hook, revealing a blue
business suit. "And here I thought I knew what
kind of people my friends were." she said in a hurt

"Oh fuck!" Rachel repeated. The other
two girls were still too stunned to say anything

"I am disappointed in you all," Pamela
declared as she stepped into the room and stood
over the naked trio. "I thought we were supposed
to be the Four Musketeers!"

It took a few seconds for them to realize
that the oldest of their little group wasn't really
angry or shocked at all. In fact, it was now
becoming obvious that she hadn't just walked in
either. How long she'd been watching was an
question unasked -- at least for now.

With smiles now filling their faces, all
three girls reached up and pulled Pamela down
into the center of their circle. She seemed a little
out of place with her conservative attire, but
within a few minutes that was gone as well. Her
dark form was soon covered by an intermix of
lighter hues.

Hours later, long after the rain had
stopped and the night once more grew quiet, the
sounds of passion could still be heard. The
quartet truly learned the meaning of their motto.
One for all, and all for one.


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