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Broadview Anthology of Literature: Age of Romanticism, Vol. 4 Book

Broadview Anthology of Literature: Age of Romanticism, Vol. 4
Broadview Anthology of Literature: Age of Romanticism, Vol. 4, In all six of its volumes The Broadview Anthology of British Literature presents British literature in a truly distinctive light. Fully grounded in sound literary and historical scholarship, the anthology takes a fresh approach to many canonical authors, , Broadview Anthology of Literature: Age of Romanticism, Vol. 4 has a rating of 4.5 stars
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Broadview Anthology of Literature: Age of Romanticism, Vol. 4, In all six of its volumes The Broadview Anthology of British Literature presents British literature in a truly distinctive light. Fully grounded in sound literary and historical scholarship, the anthology takes a fresh approach to many canonical authors, , Broadview Anthology of Literature: Age of Romanticism, Vol. 4
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  • Broadview Anthology of Literature: Age of Romanticism, Vol. 4
  • Written by author Joseph Black
  • Published by Broadview Press, July 2006
  • In all six of its volumes The Broadview Anthology of British Literature presents British literature in a truly distinctive light. Fully grounded in sound literary and historical scholarship, the anthology takes a fresh approach to many canonical authors,
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Introduction to The Age of Romanticism Political Parties and Royal Allegiances Imperial Expansion The Romantic Mind and Its Literary Productions The Business of Literature
A Changing Language

History of the Language and of Print Culture

ANNA LAETITIA BARBAULD Washing Day Eighteen Hundred and Eleven, A Poem On the Death of the Princess Charlotte To a Little Invisible Being Who is Expected Soon to Become Visible Life The Rights of Woman

SIR WILLIAM JONES A Hymn to Narayena

CHARLOTTE SMITH from Elegiac Sonnets
1 ("The partial Muse, has from my earliest hours")
2 Written at the Close of Spring
11 To Sleep
39 To Night
44 Written in the Church-yard at Middleton in Sussex
59 Written September 1791
70 On being cautioned against walking on an headland overlooking the sea
74 The Winter Night
84 To the Muse Beachy Head

from Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France from Thomas Paine, Rights of Man from Richard Price, A Discourse on the Love of Our Country Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Letter to Charles Heath, 29 August 1794
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, "Pantisocracy"
Robert Southey, "On the Prospect of Establishing a Pantisocracy in America"
from Samuel Taylor Coleridge, "Once a Jacobin Always a Jacobin"
Thomas Spence, "The Rights of Man for Me: A Song"
from George Walker, The Vagabond from The Preface from Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne, Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte from Chapter 18: 1799
from Chapter 22: 1799
from Chapter 28: 1800
from Barry Edmund O'Meara, Letter to Sir Hudson Lowe, 28 January 1817
from Madame (Germaine) de Staël, Considerations of the Principal Events of the French Revolution from Chapter 4: The Advance of Bonaparte's Absolute Power from Chapter 8: On Exile from Chapter 19: Intoxication of Power; Bonaparte's Reverses and Abdication from Chapter 13: Bonaparte's Return from The Corsican: A Diary of Napoleon's Life in his Own Words Percy Bysshe Shelley, "Feelings of a Republican on the Fall of Bonaparte"
from Thomas Babington Macaulay, "Hallam's Constitutional History"

from The Borough The Poor of the Borough: Peter Grimes Arabella

WILLIAM BLAKE from Songs of Innocence and of Experience from Songs of Innocence Introduction The Ecchoing Green The Lamb The Little Black Boy The Chimney Sweeper The Divine Image Holy Thursday Infant Joy Nurse's Song In Context: Charles Lamb, the Praise of Chimney-Sweepers (Web)
from Songs of Experience Introduction The Clod & the Pebble Holy Thursday The Chimney Sweeper The Sick Rose The Fly The Tyger Ah! Sun-Flower The Garden of Love London The Human Abstract Infant Sorrow A Poison Tree The Marriage of Heaven and Hell America (Web)
In Context: "A Most Extraordinary Man"
from Charles Lamb, Letter to Bernard Barton, 15 May 1824
from John Thomas Smith, Nollekens and His Times

MARY ROBINSON January, 1795
from Sappho and Phaon Sonnet 4 ("Why, when I gaze on Phaon’s beauteous eyes")
Sonnet 12 ("Now, o’er the tessellated pavement strew")
Sonnet 18 ("Why art thou chang'd? O Phaon! Tell me why?")
Sonnet 30 ("O’er the tall cliff that bounds the billowy main")
Sonnet 37 ("When, in the gloomy mansion of the dead")
The Haunted Beach All Alone London’s Summer Morning from A Letter to the Women of England

MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT from A Vindication of the Rights of Woman Introduction Chapter 2: The Prevailing Opinion of a Sexual Character Discussed from Chapter 3: The Same Subject Continued In Context: Contemporary Reviews of A Vindication of the Rights of Woman from Analytical Review 12
from Critical Review 4
from Maria; or The Wrongs of Woman Chapter 5

CONTEXTS: WOMEN AND SOCIETY from William Blackstone, Commentaries on the Laws of England, Book 1, Chapter 15, "Of Husband and Wife"
from Catharine Macaulay, Letters on Education from Letter 21, "Morals Must be Taught on Immutable Principles"
from Letter 22, "No Characteristic Difference in Sex"
from Olympe de Gouges, The Rights of Woman from Maria Edgeworth and Richard Lovell Edgeworth, Practical Education, Prudence and Economy from Priscilla Wakefield, Reflections on the Present Condition of the Female Sex; With Suggestions for Its Improvement from Chapter 3
from Chapter 6
from Richard Polwhele, "The Unsexed Females: a Poem, Addressed to the Author of The Pursuits of Literature"
from Hannah More, Strictures on the Modern System of Female Education from Volume 1, Chapter 4: "Comparison of the Mode of Female Education in the Last Age with the Present Age"
from Volume 1, Chapter 6: "On the Early Forming of Habits. On the Necessity of Forming the Judgment to Direct those Habits"
from William Thompson and Anna Wheeler, Appeal of One Half the Human Race, Women, Against the Pretensions of the Other Half, Men, To Retain Them in Political, and Thence in Civil And Domestic Slavery from Introductory Letter to Mrs. Wheeler from Part 2

ROBERT BURNS To a Mouse, On Turning Her Up in Her Nest with the Plough The Fornicator Halloween Address to the De’il Flow gently, sweet Afton Ae Fond Kiss Robert Bruce's March to Bannockburn A Man's A Man For A' That Comin' thro' the Rye A Red, Red Rose Auld Lang Syne Love and Liberty. A Cantata

JOANNA BAILLIE A Mother to Her Waking Infant A Child to His Sick Grandfather Thunder A Winter Day Song, Woo’d and Married and A’
from Plays on the Passions Introductory Discourse De Monfort (Web)


MARIA EDGEWORTH Angelina; Or, L’amie Inconnue Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
In Context: Edgeworth's Moral Tales

Morning. Rosamonde Evening. Gertrude

WILLIAM WORDSWORTH from Lyrical Ballads, 1798
Advertisement We Are Seven Lines Written in Early Spring The Thorn Expostulation and Reply The Tables Turned Lines Written a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey from Lyrical Ballads, 1800, 1802
[There was a Boy]
[Strange fits of passion I have known]
Song [She dwelt among th’ untrodden ways]
[A slumber did my spirit seal]
Lucy Gray Nutting Michael, A Pastoral Poem
[I Griev’d for Buonaparté]
Ode to Duty Resolution and Independence Composed upon Westminster Bridge
[The world is too much with us]
[It is a beauteous Evening]
London, 1802
The Solitary Reaper
[My heart leaps up]
In Context: "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud": Stages in the Life of a Poem from Dorothy Wordsworth, Grasmere Journal (Thursday, 15 April 1802)
[I wandered lonely as a Cloud] 1807
[I wandered lonely as a Cloud] facsimile
[I wandered lonely as a Cloud] transcription
[I wandered lonely as a Cloud] 1815
Elegiac Stanzas Ode [Intimations of Immortality]
from The Excursion
[The Ruined Cottage]
Surprised by Joy Mutability Steamboats, Viaducts, and Railways In Context: Visual Depictions of "Man’s Art"
The Prelude The Two-Part Prelude of 1799
First Part Second Part from The Fourteen-Book Prelude of 1850
from Book First, Introduction, Childhood, and School-time from Book Fifth, Books from Book Sixth, Cambridge, and the Alps from Book Thirteenth, Subject concluded from Book Fourteenth, Conclusion

CONTEXTS: READING, WRITING, PUBLISHING from Daniel Isaac Eaton, The Pernicious Effects of the Art of Printing Upon Society, Exposed Thomas Spence, "Examples of Safe Printing," from Pig's Meat, Volume 2
Joshua, "Sonnet: The Lion," from Moral and Political Magazine, Volume 1
from Anonymous, "On the Characteristics of Poetry" No. 2, from Monthly Magazine from Anonymous, Letter to the Monthly Magazine from Samuel Pratt, Gleanings in England: Descriptive of the Countenance, Mind, and Character of the Country from Hannah More, Strictures on the Modern System of Female Education, from Chapter 8, "On Female Study"
from Charles and Mary Lamb, "Preface," Tales from Shakespeare Anna Laetitia Barbauld, "On the Origin and Progress of Novel-Writing"
from Isaac D'Israeli, The Case of Authors Stated, Including the History of Literary Property William Hazlitt, "A Review of The St. James Chronicle, The Morning Chronicle, The Times, The New York Times, The Courier, &c., Cobbett's Weekly Journal, The Examiner, The Observer, The Gentleman's Magazine, The New Monthly Magazine, The London, &c. &c.," from The Edinburgh Review from John Stuart Mill, "The Present State of Literature"
Copyright and the Growth of "a Reading Age"
from Copyright Act of 1709 (the Statute of Anne)
from Millar v. Taylor (1769)
Hinton v. Donaldson (Scotland, 1773); Donaldson v. Beckett (England 1774)
from Catharine Macaulay, A Modest Plea for the Property of Copyright from Robert Southey, "Inquiries Concerning the Proposed Alteration of the Laws of Copyright, as It Affects Authors and the Universities," Quarterley Review (January 1819)
from Thomas Babington Macaulay, Speech to House of Commons, 5 February 1841

DOROTHY WORDSWORTH from The Grasmere Journal Grasmere—A Fragment Thoughts on My Sick-bed

SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE The Eolian Harp Fears In Solitude Frost at Midnight from The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere, in Seven Parts The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. In Seven Parts In Context: The Origin of "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"
from Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Biographia Literaria, Chapter 14
from A letter from the Rev. Alexander Dyce to Hartley Coleridge, 1852
The Lime-Tree Bower My Prison Christabel Dejection: An Ode Work Without Hope Kubla Khan, Or, A Vision in a Dream. A Fragment Epitaph On Donne's Poetry from Lectures and Notes On Literature
[Definition of Poetry]
from Notes on Lear from [On the English Language]
[Mechanic Vs. Organic Form]
from Biographia Literaria; or Biographical Sketches of my Literary Life and Opinions from Chapter 1
Reception of the Author's First Publication The Effect of Contemporary Writers on Youthful Minds Bowles's Sonnets from Chapter 4
Mr. Wordsworth's Earlier Poems from Chapter 11
An affectionate exortation to those who in early life feel themselves disposed to become authors from Chapter 13
On the Imagination, or Esemplastic Power Chapter 14
Occasion of the Lyrical Ballads from Chapter 17
Examination of the Tenets Peculiar to Mr. Wordsworth from Table Talk
[On Various Shakespearean Characters]
[The Ancient Mariner]
[On Borrowing]
[On Metre]
[On Women]
[On Corrupt Language]
[On Milton]
[The Three Most Perfect Plots]

CONTEXTS: INDIA AND THE ORIENT from Sir William Jones, "A Discourse on the Institution of a Society for Inquiring into the History, Civil and Natural, the Antiquities, Arts, Sciences and Literature of Asia"
Edmund Burke and the Impeachment of Warren Hastings from Edmund Burke, Speech on the Impeachment of Warren Hastings from Warren Hastings, Address in His Defence from Elizabeth Hamilton, Translations of the Letters of a Hindoo Rajah from Anonymous, "Review of Translations of the Letters of a Hindoo Rajah," from The Analytical Review Tipu Sultan and the British from Letter from Tipu Sultan to the Governor General from Declaration of the Right Honourable the Governor-General-in-Council from Mary Robinson, "The Lascar"
from Thomas Macaulay, Minute on Indian Education Roger Fenton, Orientalist Studies from Col. Henry Yule and A.C. Burnell, Hobson-Jobson: A Glossary of Colloquial Anglo-Indian Words and Phrases, and of Kindred Terms, Etymological, Historical, Geographical, and Discursive

MARY TIGHE from Psyche; or The Legend of Love Sonnet Addressed to My Mother Psyche Canto 1
from Canto 2

JANE AUSTEN Lady Susan from Pride and Prejudice Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
In Context: Austen's Letters

Old China from On The Tragedies of Shakespeare, Considered with Reference to Their Fitness for the Stage Representation

WILLIAM HAZLITT from The Spirit of the Age; or Contemporary Portraits Mr. Coleridge Mr. Wordsworth

THOMAS DE QUINCEY Confessions of an English Opium-Eater from Suspiria de Profundis (Web)
Levana and Our Ladies of Sorrow The Apparition of the Brocken

MARY PRINCE The History of Mary Prince, A West Indian Slave, Related by Herself In Context: Mary Prince and Slavery Mary Prince's Petition Presented to Parliament on June 24, 1829
from Thomas Pringle, Supplement to The History of Mary Prince from The Narrative of Ashton Warner

CONTEXTS: THE ABOLITION OF SLAVERY from John Newton, A Slave Trader’s Journal from Quobna Ottobah Cugoano, Thoughts and Sentiments on the Evil and Wicked Traffic of the Slavery and Commerce of the Human Species from Alexander Falconbridge, Account of the Slave Trade on the Coast of Africa William Cowper, Sweet Meat has Sour Sauce or, The Slave-Trader in the Dumps from William Wilberforce, "Speech to the House of Commons," 13 May 1789
Proponents of Slavery from Rev. Robert Boncher Nicholls, Observations, Occasioned by the Attempts Made in England to Effect the Abolition of the Slave Trade from Anonymous, Thoughts on the Slavery of Negroes, as it Affects the British Colonies in the West Indies: Humbly Submitted to the Consideration of Both Houses of Parliament from Gordon Turnbull, An Apology of Negro Slavery; or, the West Indian Planters Vindicated from the Charge of Inhumanity from Mary Wollstonecraft, A Vindication of the Rights of Men Anna Laetitia Barbauld, "Epistle to William Wilberforce, Esq. on the Rejection of the Bill for Abolishing the Slave Trade"
William Blake, Images of Slavery from Samuel Taylor Coleridge, On the Slave Trade from William Earle, Obi; or, the History of Three-Fingered Jack Mary Robinson, Poems on Slavery
"The African"
"The Negro Girl"
from Dorothy Wordsworth, The Grasmere Journal from Thomas Clarkson, The History of the Rise, Progress and Accomplishment of the Abolition of the African Slave Trade from Matthew Gregory Lewis, Journal of A West India Slave Proprietor

GEORGE GORDON, LORD BYRON Sun of the Sleepless She walks in beauty When we two parted Stanzas for Music from Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage (Web)
Canto the Third from Canto the Fourth Darkness Prometheus So, we'll go no more a roving When a man hath no freedom to fight for at home January 22nd 1842. Missolonghi Epistle to Augusta from Don Juan Dedication Canto 1
Canto 2
from Canto 3
from Canto 7
from Canto 11
In Context: Don Juan
"Remarks on Don Juan," from Blackwood's Magazine Selected Letters from a letter To Francis Hodgson To Lady Byron To Augusta Leigh To Douglas Kinnaird from a letter To John Murray In Context: The Byronic Hero (Web)
from Eastern Tales

PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY To Wordsworth Alastor; or, The Spirit of Solitude Mutability Mont Blanc, Lines Written in the Vale of Chamouni Hymn to Intellectual Beauty Ozymandias Ode to the West Wind The Cloud To a Skylark Adonais, An Elegy on the Death of John Keats from Hellas Chorus ("Worlds on worlds are rolling ever")
Chorus ("The world’s great age begins anew")
Mutability ("The flower that smiles to-day")
Stanzas, Written in Dejection—December 1818, near Naples Sonnet [Lift Not the Painted Veil]
To Night To ------
The Mask of Anarchy Song To The Men Of England England in 1819
from A Defence of Poetry In Context: The Peterloo Massacre Robert Shorter, The Bloody Field of Peterloo! A New Song Anonymous, A New Song Hibernicus, Stanzas Occasioned by the Manchester Massacre!
Anonymous, The Peterloo Man from Samuel Bamford, Passages in the Life of a Radical Chapter 28
Chapter 35
from Chapter 36
from Chapter 39
from John Tyas, An account of the events leading up to the massacre In Context: Youth and Love Letter to T.J. Hogg, Field Place, 3 January 1811
Letter to T.J. Hogg, 1811
Letter to William Godwin, Keswick, 10 January 1812
In Context: Shelley and Keats from Letter to the Editor of the Quarterly Review Leigh Hunt on "Mr. Shelley's New Poem Entitled Adonais"

FELICIA HEMANS The Homes of England The Land of Dreams Evening Prayer at a Girls' School Casabianca Corinne at the Capitol The Effigies The Image in Lava Properzia Rossi Woman and Fame

JOHN CLARE Written In November Remembrances from The Flitting The Badger Written in a Thunder storm July 15th 1841
Don Juan A Poem Sonnet [I am]
"I Am"
Clock A Clay To Mary An Invite to Eternity

JOHN KEATS On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer On the Grasshopper and Cricket Sleep And Poetry On Seeing the Elgin Marbles On Sitting Down to Read King Lear Once Again When I Have Fears That I May Cease To Be Epistle to John Hamilton Reynolds To Homer The Eve of St. Agnes Bright Star La Belle Dame Sans Merci La Belle Dame Sans Mercy Incipit Altera Sonneta Ode To Psyche Ode To A Nightingale Ode On A Grecian Urn Ode On Melancholy Ode On Indolence To Autumn Lamia The Fall of Hyperion, A Dream Canto 1
Canto 2
This Living Hand Selected Letters To Benjamin Bailey, 22 November 1817
To George and Thomas Keats, December 1817
To John Hamilton Reynolds, 3 February 1818
To John Taylor, 27 February 1818
To Benjamin Bailey, 13 March 1818
To Benjamin Bailey, 18 July 1818
To Richard Woodhouse, 27 October 1818
To George and Georgina Keats, 14 February-3 May 1819
To Fanny Brawne, 25 July 1819
To Percy Bysshe Shelley, 16 August 1820
To Charles Brown, 30 November 1820
In Context: Politics, Poetry, and the "Cockney School Debate"
from Leigh Hunt, "Young Poets"
from John Gibson Lockhart ("Z."), "On the Cockney School of Poetry, No. 1"
from John Lockhart ("Z."), "On the Cockney School of Poetry, No. 4"
In Context: The Elgin Marbles (Web)
Selected Photographs from William Hazlitt, "Sir Joshua Reynold’s Discourses"
from William Hazlitt, "Report on the Select Committee of the House of Commons on the Elgin Marbles"
from B.R. Haydon, "On the Judgement of Connoisseurs Being Preferred to that of Professional Men—Elgin Marbles etc."
In Context: The Death of Keats Joseph Severn to Charles Brown, 27 February 1821

MARY SHELLEY from The Last Man Chapter 29
Chapter 30
In Context: The "Last Man" Theme in the Nineteenth Century Thomas Campbell, "The Last Man," New Monthly Magazine 8
from Thomas Campbell's letter to the editor of the Edinburgh Review, 28 February 1825
John Martin's painting of The Last Man In Context: Shelley's Life and The Last Man Selected Letters To Thomas Jefferson Hogg, 6 March 1815
To Thomas Jefferson Hogg, 25 April 1815
To Maria Gisborne, 2 Nov. 1818
To Maria Gisborne, c. 3 Dec. 1818
To Maria Gisborne, 9 April 1819
To Marianne Hunt, 29 June 1819
To Maria Gisborne, 2 June 1822
To Maria Gisborne, 15 August 1822

LETITIA ELIZABETH LANDON Lines Written Under a Picture of a Girl Burning a Love Letter A Child Screening a Dove From a Hawk Love’s Last Lesson Lines of Life Revenge The Little Shroud The Fairy of the Fountains (Web)

Old Adam the Carrion Crow Isbrand's Song


Reading Poetry


Monarchs and Prime Ministers of Great Britain

Glossary of Terms

Texts and Contexts: A Chronological Chart (Web)

Bibliography (Web)

Permissions Acknowledgments

Index of First Lines

Index of Authors and Titles













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Broadview Anthology of Literature: Age of Romanticism, Vol. 4, In all six of its volumes The Broadview Anthology of British Literature presents British literature in a truly distinctive light. Fully grounded in sound literary and historical scholarship, the anthology takes a fresh approach to many canonical authors, , Broadview Anthology of Literature: Age of Romanticism, Vol. 4

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Broadview Anthology of Literature: Age of Romanticism, Vol. 4, In all six of its volumes The Broadview Anthology of British Literature presents British literature in a truly distinctive light. Fully grounded in sound literary and historical scholarship, the anthology takes a fresh approach to many canonical authors, , Broadview Anthology of Literature: Age of Romanticism, Vol. 4

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Broadview Anthology of Literature: Age of Romanticism, Vol. 4, In all six of its volumes The Broadview Anthology of British Literature presents British literature in a truly distinctive light. Fully grounded in sound literary and historical scholarship, the anthology takes a fresh approach to many canonical authors, , Broadview Anthology of Literature: Age of Romanticism, Vol. 4

Broadview Anthology of Literature: Age of Romanticism, Vol. 4

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