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Law And The Arts, Vol. 87 Book

Law And The Arts, Vol. 87
Law And The Arts, Vol. 87, This interdisciplinary study examines the relationships between law and the humanities. The goal of the essays is to promote exchanges of ideas in such diverse, but related fields as law, literature, film, theater, communication, art, and architecture and, Law And The Arts, Vol. 87 has a rating of 3 stars
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Law And The Arts, Vol. 87, This interdisciplinary study examines the relationships between law and the humanities. The goal of the essays is to promote exchanges of ideas in such diverse, but related fields as law, literature, film, theater, communication, art, and architecture and, Law And The Arts, Vol. 87
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  • Law And The Arts, Vol. 87
  • Written by author Susan Tiefenbrun
  • Published by Greenwood Publishing Group, Incorporated, February 1999
  • This interdisciplinary study examines the relationships between law and the humanities. The goal of the essays is to promote exchanges of ideas in such diverse, but related fields as law, literature, film, theater, communication, art, and architecture and
  • An interdisciplinary examination of the relationships between law and the humanities.BooknewsContains papers from an October 1996 seminar held at Hofstra University School of Law, by scholars in law, communication, and the humanities. Focu
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Pt. ILaw, the Arts, and Censorship1
1Legal Restraints and the TV Channeling Controversy3
2Censorship and the Arts in the United States Today17
3Art and Repression in the McCarthy Era23
4The Old Problem of New Communications Technologies: Can We Do Better This Time?29
Pt. IILaw and Cyberspace45
5Museums Without Walls: Property Rights and Reproduction in the World of Cyberspace47
6Copyright and Cyberspace: Functioning in a Digitally Networked Environment67
Pt. IIILaw and Literature79
7Vichy Law and the Holocaust in France: Precis of a Talk to the Hofstra Conference81
8A Comment on Richard H. Weisberg's Work on the Vichy Lawyers93
9Legal Fiction and Literary Fiction in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century France103
Pt. IVLaw, Literary Theory, and Critical Legal Theory: A Forum113
10Critical Legal Theory115
Pt. VLaw and Shakespeare147
11Introduction to Interdisciplinarity and the Retrial of Shylock149
12The Trial of Shylock from: The Merchant of Venice153
13Appellant's Brief171
14Appellee's Brief177
15Appellant's Reply Brief185
16Shylock v. Antonio on Appeal: The Deliberations189
17Thoughts of a Literary Judge213
18Shylock on Appeal217
Pt. VILaw and Art237
19Cass Gilberts's United States Supreme Court and the Comprehensive Planning Deal239
About the Editor and Contributors251













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Law And The Arts, Vol. 87, This interdisciplinary study examines the relationships between law and the humanities. The goal of the essays is to promote exchanges of ideas in such diverse, but related fields as law, literature, film, theater, communication, art, and architecture and, Law And The Arts, Vol. 87

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Law And The Arts, Vol. 87, This interdisciplinary study examines the relationships between law and the humanities. The goal of the essays is to promote exchanges of ideas in such diverse, but related fields as law, literature, film, theater, communication, art, and architecture and, Law And The Arts, Vol. 87

Law And The Arts, Vol. 87

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Law And The Arts, Vol. 87, This interdisciplinary study examines the relationships between law and the humanities. The goal of the essays is to promote exchanges of ideas in such diverse, but related fields as law, literature, film, theater, communication, art, and architecture and, Law And The Arts, Vol. 87

Law And The Arts, Vol. 87

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