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In the mold of our very popular series of state alphabet books, we offer Z is for Zamboni to hockey fans young and old across North America. Matt Napier's "breakaway" rhymes and "hard-checking" expository text team up with the "top-shelf" illustrations of Melanie Rose to elucidate this increasingly popular game for every beginning hockey aficionado. Highlighting rules, players, coaches, teams, and the history of the game, it is both fun and educational.
Famous players, positions, game rules and more make up Matt Napier's Z Is for Zamboni: A Hockey Alphabet, illus. by Melanie Rose. Written in verse, the book begins with the arena where it all happens ("A is for Arena./ The game is played in here,/ A building where the fans all gather/ to clap and boo and cheer"), closes with the Zamboni that cleans the ice for the next face-off, and includes the roles of players and some of the stars ("B is for two Bobbys,/ with last names of Hull and Orr"). Up-close paintings of intent players and landscape views of the rink vary the pacing.
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