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You'Re Only As Good As Your Next One Book

You'Re Only As Good As Your Next One
You'Re Only As Good As Your Next One, If I had a talent for anything, it was a talent for knowing who was talented.
Mike Medavoy is a Hollywood rarity: a studio executive who, though never far from controversy, has remained well loved and respected through four decades of moviemaking. Wh, You'Re Only As Good As Your Next One has a rating of 4.5 stars
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You'Re Only As Good As Your Next One, If I had a talent for anything, it was a talent for knowing who was talented. Mike Medavoy is a Hollywood rarity: a studio executive who, though never far from controversy, has remained well loved and respected through four decades of moviemaking. Wh, You'Re Only As Good As Your Next One
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  • You'Re Only As Good As Your Next One
  • Written by author Mike Medavoy
  • Published by Simon & Schuster Adult Publishing Group, January 2003
  • "If I had a talent for anything, it was a talent for knowing who was talented." Mike Medavoy is a Hollywood rarity: a studio executive who, though never far from controversy, has remained well loved and respected through four decades of moviemaking. Wh
  • "If I had a talent for anything, it was a talent for knowing who was talented."Mike Medavoy is a Hollywood rarity: a studio executive who, though never far from controversy, has remained well loved and respected through four decades of moviemaking.
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Book Categories


Introduction: Movies Are Everybody's Second Business
1Making Sausage1
2The Lunatics in the Asylum21
3The Madman in the Jungle53
4Gypsies, Tramps, and Auteurs67
5When Accountants Run Studios...83
6You Can't Shoot the Deal94
7Movie by Committee109
8Trade Ads and Champagne125
9Finding the Beef143
10Orion's Constellation151
11Hollywood's Medicis187
12All the Money in the World208
13Captain Hook and Bugsy Siegel Take Over My Life224
14The Fish Stinks at the Head246
15Hollywood, D.C.269
16Breaking Bread with Them What Wronged You274
17A Phoenix Rises291
18The Thin Red Line312
19Surviving in a Bloodbath329
Epilogue: The Seventh Act Break347













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You'Re Only As Good As Your Next One, If I had a talent for anything, it was a talent for knowing who was talented.
Mike Medavoy is a Hollywood rarity: a studio executive who, though never far from controversy, has remained well loved and respected through four decades of moviemaking. Wh, You'Re Only As Good As Your Next One

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You'Re Only As Good As Your Next One, If I had a talent for anything, it was a talent for knowing who was talented.
Mike Medavoy is a Hollywood rarity: a studio executive who, though never far from controversy, has remained well loved and respected through four decades of moviemaking. Wh, You'Re Only As Good As Your Next One

You'Re Only As Good As Your Next One

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You'Re Only As Good As Your Next One, If I had a talent for anything, it was a talent for knowing who was talented.
Mike Medavoy is a Hollywood rarity: a studio executive who, though never far from controversy, has remained well loved and respected through four decades of moviemaking. Wh, You'Re Only As Good As Your Next One

You'Re Only As Good As Your Next One

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