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Your Heart: An Owner's Manual Book

Your Heart: An Owner's Manual
Your Heart: An Owner's Manual, Take care of your heart and it will take care of you! Let the American Heart Association show you how — in this complete, up-to-the-minute owner's manual from the country's most respected authority on the heart. No matter what your year, make, or model — , Your Heart: An Owner's Manual has a rating of 4 stars
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Your Heart: An Owner's Manual, Take care of your heart and it will take care of you! Let the American Heart Association show you how — in this complete, up-to-the-minute owner's manual from the country's most respected authority on the heart. No matter what your year, make, or model — , Your Heart: An Owner's Manual
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  • Your Heart: An Owner's Manual
  • Written by author American Heart Association
  • Published by Simon & Schuster Adult Publishing Group, March 1996
  • Take care of your heart and it will take care of you! Let the American Heart Association show you how — in this complete, up-to-the-minute owner's manual from the country's most respected authority on the heart. No matter what your year, make, or model —
  • Take care of your heart and it will take care of you! Let the American Heart Association show you how — in this complete, up-to-the-minute owner's manual from the country's most respected authority on the heart. No matter what your year, make, or mod
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Take care of your heart and it will take care of you! Let the American Heart Association show you how — in this complete, up-to-the-minute owner's manual from the country's most respected authority on the heart. No matter what your year, make, or model — male, female, young, or old — here is everything you need to know. Learn how to:

  • Evaluate your personal risk factors
  • Recognize signs and symptoms of heart disease and stroke — what they are, what they mean, what to do
  • Fuel up on heart-healthy nutrition and keep your motor humming with physical activity
  • Clear the air and stop smoking for good
  • Eliminate excess weight with a low-fat, low-calorie eating plan that works
  • Manage emotions that may be damaging your health
  • Seek emergency help — when, where, and how

Discover what to do in the event of an emergency, how to be a good medical consumer, what to expect from diagnostic and treatment procedures, and more. Develop the habits of heart-healthy behavior with the book that could save your life.

The American Heart Association's up-to-the minute manual will show readers how to evaluate personal risk factors, recognize signs and symptoms of heart disease and stroke, fuel up on heart-healthy nutrition, eliminate excess weight with a low-fat, low-calorie diet that works, and more. Original.













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Your Heart: An Owner's Manual, Take care of your heart and it will take care of you! Let the American Heart Association show you how — in this complete, up-to-the-minute owner's manual from the country's most respected authority on the heart. No matter what your year, make, or model — , Your Heart: An Owner's Manual

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Your Heart: An Owner's Manual, Take care of your heart and it will take care of you! Let the American Heart Association show you how — in this complete, up-to-the-minute owner's manual from the country's most respected authority on the heart. No matter what your year, make, or model — , Your Heart: An Owner's Manual

Your Heart: An Owner's Manual

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Your Heart: An Owner's Manual, Take care of your heart and it will take care of you! Let the American Heart Association show you how — in this complete, up-to-the-minute owner's manual from the country's most respected authority on the heart. No matter what your year, make, or model — , Your Heart: An Owner's Manual

Your Heart: An Owner's Manual

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