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Voices from Canada: Focus on Thirty Plays Book

Voices from Canada: Focus on Thirty Plays
Voices from Canada: Focus on Thirty Plays, Intended for those readers who are interested in new trends and developments in Canadian Theatre. Particularly useful as a handbook and reference guide for dramaturgs in theatres outside of Canada. Includes brief remarks on more plays and offers a list of, Voices from Canada: Focus on Thirty Plays has a rating of 4 stars
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Voices from Canada: Focus on Thirty Plays, Intended for those readers who are interested in new trends and developments in Canadian Theatre. Particularly useful as a handbook and reference guide for dramaturgs in theatres outside of Canada. Includes brief remarks on more plays and offers a list of, Voices from Canada: Focus on Thirty Plays
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  • Voices from Canada: Focus on Thirty Plays
  • Written by author Albert-Reiner Glaap
  • Published by Theatre Communications Group, September 2008
  • Intended for those readers who are interested in new trends and developments in Canadian Theatre. Particularly useful as a handbook and reference guide for dramaturgs in theatres outside of Canada. Includes brief remarks on more plays and offers a list of
  • Intended for those readers who are interested in new trends and developments in Canadian Theatre. Particularly useful as a handbook and reference guide for dramaturgs in theatres outside of Canada. Includes brief remarks on more plays and offers a list of
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Book Categories


Thirty Voices from Canada1
Bouchard, Michel Marc: The Orphan Muses/Les Muses orphelines3
Chaurette, Normand: The Queens/Les Reines6
Clark, Sally: Moo10
Dubois, Rene-Daniel: Being at Home with Claude14
Foon, Dennis: New Canadian Kid18
Fraser, Brad: Unidentified Human Remains and The True Nature of Love22
French, David: Jitters26
Garneau, Michel: Warriors/Les Guerriers29
Gault, Connie: Sky33
Gray, John/Peterson, Eric: Billy Bishop Goes to War36
Highway, Tomson: The Rez Sisters39
Laberge, Marie: Aurelie, My Sister/Aurelie, ma soeur43
Lebeau, Suzanne: Little Victories/Les Petits Pouvoirs47
Lill, Wendy: Sisters51
MacDonald, Ann-Marie: Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet)54
MacIvor, Daniel: House57
MacLeod, Joan: Toronto, Mississippi60
Mighton, John: Possible Worlds63
Moses, Daniel David: Almighty Voice and His Wife67
Murrell, John: Farther West71
Panych, Morris: 7 Stories75
Pollock, Sharon: Doc78
Sears, Djanet, Harlem Duet81
Sherman, Jason: Patience85
Storey, Raymond: The Saints and Apostles89
Taylor, Drew Hayden: Someday92
Thompson, Judith: Lion in the Streets96
Tremblay, Michel: Albertine, in Five Times/Albertine, en cinq temps100
Verdecchia, Guillermo: Fronteras Americanas104
Walker, George F.: Zastrozzi - The Master of Discipline107
Some other Voices - Brief Summaries111
Afterword: After Words119
Cumulative list of nominees for the Governor General's Literary Awards / Liste cumulative des oeuvres en lice pour les Prix Litteraires du Gouverneur General (Drama/Theatre)125
Playwrights Guild of Canada (PGC)131
Le Centre des Auteurs Dramatiques (CEAD)133
L'Association Quebecoise Des Auteurs Dramatiques (AQAD)135
Selected Bibliography136
Biography - Albert-Reiner Glaap140













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Voices from Canada: Focus on Thirty Plays, Intended for those readers who are interested in new trends and developments in Canadian Theatre. Particularly useful as a handbook and reference guide for dramaturgs in theatres outside of Canada. Includes brief remarks on more plays and offers a list of, Voices from Canada: Focus on Thirty Plays

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Voices from Canada: Focus on Thirty Plays, Intended for those readers who are interested in new trends and developments in Canadian Theatre. Particularly useful as a handbook and reference guide for dramaturgs in theatres outside of Canada. Includes brief remarks on more plays and offers a list of, Voices from Canada: Focus on Thirty Plays

Voices from Canada: Focus on Thirty Plays

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Voices from Canada: Focus on Thirty Plays, Intended for those readers who are interested in new trends and developments in Canadian Theatre. Particularly useful as a handbook and reference guide for dramaturgs in theatres outside of Canada. Includes brief remarks on more plays and offers a list of, Voices from Canada: Focus on Thirty Plays

Voices from Canada: Focus on Thirty Plays

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