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Victor Segalen and the Aesthetics of Diversity: Journeys Between Cultures Book

Victor Segalen and the Aesthetics of Diversity: Journeys Between Cultures
Victor Segalen and the Aesthetics of Diversity: Journeys Between Cultures, With the appearance of Victor Segalen's Complete Works in 1995, the dramatic scope and wide-ranging implications of his reflections on exoticism were at last fully apparent. This study asserts the originality of Segalen's notion of exoticism while , Victor Segalen and the Aesthetics of Diversity: Journeys Between Cultures has a rating of 3 stars
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Victor Segalen and the Aesthetics of Diversity: Journeys Between Cultures, With the appearance of Victor Segalen's Complete Works in 1995, the dramatic scope and wide-ranging implications of his reflections on exoticism were at last fully apparent. This study asserts the originality of Segalen's notion of exoticism while , Victor Segalen and the Aesthetics of Diversity: Journeys Between Cultures
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  • Victor Segalen and the Aesthetics of Diversity: Journeys Between Cultures
  • Written by author Charles Forsdick
  • Published by Oxford University Press, USA, January 2001
  • With the appearance of Victor Segalen's Complete Works in 1995, the dramatic scope and wide-ranging implications of his reflections on exoticism were at last fully apparent. This study asserts the originality of Segalen's notion of exoticism while
  • With the appearance of Victor Segalen's Complete Works in 1995, the dramatic scope and wide-ranging implications of his reflections on exoticism were at last fully apparent. This study asserts the originality of Segalen's notion of exoticism while
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List of Abbreviations
Introduction: Victor Segalen and the Aesthetics of Diversity1
Death of an Exote: The Mythologization of Victor Segalen2
Representations of Victor Segalen9
Critical Reception: Uses and Abuses14
1Defining the Exotic: Exoticism as an Approach to Radical Diversity23
1.1New Perspectives on Exoticism23
1.2Exoticism as an Aesthetics of Diversity26
1.3The Field of the Exotic29
1.4Representation and Relation: Towards a Definition of Exoticism33
1.5Segalen and the Exoticism Tradition40
1.6Twentieth-Century Exoticism: Threats and Responses47
2Exoticism and Empire: Colonial Literature and Post-Colonial Critique58
2.1Segalen and Empire58
2.2In the Shadow of Empire: Victor Segalen as le Kipling francais62
2.3In the Wake of Empire: Segalen and Post-Colonial Criticism81
2.4Post-Colonial Segalen: New Direction in the Work of Glissant and Khatibi90
3Polynesia and Difference102
3.1Writing Differently: Segalen and la Nouvelle Cythere103
3.2Writing Difference112
3.3Orality and Literacy122
3.4The Limits of Writing Difference132
4China and Alterity140
4.1Segalen and China143
4.2Le Fils du Ciel, or the Chinese Empire Writes Back?150
4.3Rene Leys, or the Impossibility of Writing the Exotic163
5Towards a New Practice of Exoticism182
5.1Entropy and the Decline of the Exotic184
5.2Tourism and Travel, Tourist and Traveller193
5.3Mapping the Exotic: Segalen and Cartography201
5.4W(h)ither Exoticism? Autoscopy, Brittany and the Otherness of Self211
Select Bibliography228













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Victor Segalen and the Aesthetics of Diversity: Journeys Between Cultures, With the appearance of Victor Segalen's Complete Works in 1995, the dramatic scope and wide-ranging implications of his reflections on exoticism were at last fully apparent. This study asserts the originality of Segalen's notion of exoticism while , Victor Segalen and the Aesthetics of Diversity: Journeys Between Cultures

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Victor Segalen and the Aesthetics of Diversity: Journeys Between Cultures, With the appearance of Victor Segalen's Complete Works in 1995, the dramatic scope and wide-ranging implications of his reflections on exoticism were at last fully apparent. This study asserts the originality of Segalen's notion of exoticism while , Victor Segalen and the Aesthetics of Diversity: Journeys Between Cultures

Victor Segalen and the Aesthetics of Diversity: Journeys Between Cultures

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Victor Segalen and the Aesthetics of Diversity: Journeys Between Cultures, With the appearance of Victor Segalen's Complete Works in 1995, the dramatic scope and wide-ranging implications of his reflections on exoticism were at last fully apparent. This study asserts the originality of Segalen's notion of exoticism while , Victor Segalen and the Aesthetics of Diversity: Journeys Between Cultures

Victor Segalen and the Aesthetics of Diversity: Journeys Between Cultures

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