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Urban Space and Cityscapes: Perspectives from Modern and Contemporary Culture Book

Urban Space and Cityscapes: Perspectives from Modern and Contemporary Culture
Urban Space and Cityscapes: Perspectives from Modern and Contemporary Culture, From the verticals of New York, Hong Kong and Singapore to the sprawls of London, Paris and Jakarta, this interdisciplinary volume of new writing examines constructions, representations, imaginations and theorizations of 'cityscapes' in modern and contemp, Urban Space and Cityscapes: Perspectives from Modern and Contemporary Culture has a rating of 3.5 stars
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Urban Space and Cityscapes: Perspectives from Modern and Contemporary Culture, From the verticals of New York, Hong Kong and Singapore to the sprawls of London, Paris and Jakarta, this interdisciplinary volume of new writing examines constructions, representations, imaginations and theorizations of 'cityscapes' in modern and contemp, Urban Space and Cityscapes: Perspectives from Modern and Contemporary Culture
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  • Urban Space and Cityscapes: Perspectives from Modern and Contemporary Culture
  • Written by author C. Lindner
  • Published by Taylor & Francis, Inc., March 2006
  • From the verticals of New York, Hong Kong and Singapore to the sprawls of London, Paris and Jakarta, this interdisciplinary volume of new writing examines constructions, representations, imaginations and theorizations of 'cityscapes' in modern and contemp
  • From the verticals of New York, Hong Kong and Australia's Gold Coast to the sprawls of London, Paris and Jakarta, this cross-disciplinary volume of new writing examines constructions, representations, imaginations and theorizations of urban space and city
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1Revisioning urban space and cityscapes1
2Cityscape with Ferris wheel : Chicago, 189317
3Seeing only corpses : vision and/of urban disaster in apocalyptic cinema38
4New York, 9/1149
5The idea of Hong Kong : structures of attention in the city of life63
6Paris underground : Juan Goytisolo and the 'situationist' city77
7Negotiations of London as imperial urban space in the contemporary postcolonial novel88
8Reading urban spaces in African texts101
9Reading the illegible cityscapes of postmodern fiction112
10The death and return of the New York skyscraper : Cather, Libeskind, and verticality122
11The museum, the street, and the virtual landscape of Berlin137
12The reversible city : exhibition(ism), chorality, and tenderness in Manhattan and Venice155
13Australia's Gold Coast : a city producing itself177
14Cognitive mapping the dispersed city192













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Urban Space and Cityscapes: Perspectives from Modern and Contemporary Culture, From the verticals of New York, Hong Kong and Singapore to the sprawls of London, Paris and Jakarta, this interdisciplinary volume of new writing examines constructions, representations, imaginations and theorizations of 'cityscapes' in modern and contemp, Urban Space and Cityscapes: Perspectives from Modern and Contemporary Culture

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Urban Space and Cityscapes: Perspectives from Modern and Contemporary Culture, From the verticals of New York, Hong Kong and Singapore to the sprawls of London, Paris and Jakarta, this interdisciplinary volume of new writing examines constructions, representations, imaginations and theorizations of 'cityscapes' in modern and contemp, Urban Space and Cityscapes: Perspectives from Modern and Contemporary Culture

Urban Space and Cityscapes: Perspectives from Modern and Contemporary Culture

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Urban Space and Cityscapes: Perspectives from Modern and Contemporary Culture, From the verticals of New York, Hong Kong and Singapore to the sprawls of London, Paris and Jakarta, this interdisciplinary volume of new writing examines constructions, representations, imaginations and theorizations of 'cityscapes' in modern and contemp, Urban Space and Cityscapes: Perspectives from Modern and Contemporary Culture

Urban Space and Cityscapes: Perspectives from Modern and Contemporary Culture

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