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Under the Sky of My Africa: Alexander Pushkin and Blackness Book

Under the Sky of My Africa: Alexander Pushkin and Blackness
Under the Sky of My Africa: Alexander Pushkin and Blackness, A wide-ranging consideration of the nature and significance of Pushkin's African heritage
Roughly in the year 1705, a young African boy, acquired from the seraglio of the Turkish sultan, was transported to Russia as a gift to Peter the Great. This chil, Under the Sky of My Africa: Alexander Pushkin and Blackness has a rating of 4.5 stars
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Under the Sky of My Africa: Alexander Pushkin and Blackness, A wide-ranging consideration of the nature and significance of Pushkin's African heritage Roughly in the year 1705, a young African boy, acquired from the seraglio of the Turkish sultan, was transported to Russia as a gift to Peter the Great. This chil, Under the Sky of My Africa: Alexander Pushkin and Blackness
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  • Under the Sky of My Africa: Alexander Pushkin and Blackness
  • Written by author Catherine Nepomnyashchy
  • Published by Northwestern University Press, May 2006
  • A wide-ranging consideration of the nature and significance of Pushkin's African heritage Roughly in the year 1705, a young African boy, acquired from the seraglio of the Turkish sultan, was transported to Russia as a gift to Peter the Great. This chil
  • A wide-ranging consideration of the nature and significance of Pushkin's African heritageRoughly in the year 1705, a young African boy, acquired from the seraglio of the Turkish sultan, was transported to Russia as a gift to Peter the Great. This
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Book Categories


Introduction : was Pushkin black and does it matter?3
A. P. Gannibal : on the occasion of the three hundredth anniversary of the birth of Alexander Pushkin's great-grandfather46
Pushkin on his African heritage : publications during his lifetime79
Ruslan and Ludmila : Pushkin's anxiety of blackness99
How black was Pushkin? : otherness and self-creation122
The telltale black baby, or why Pushkin began The Blackamoor of Peter the Great but didn't finish it150
Making a true image : blackness and Pushkin portraits172
Pushkin and Othello196
The Pushkin of opportunity in the Harlem Renaissance226
"Bound by blood to the race" : Pushkin in African American context248
Tsvetaevs's "blackest of black" (Natcherneishii) Pushkin279
"Sometimes I feel like a motherless child" : Paul Robeson and the 1949 Pushkin Jubilee302
Artur Vincent Lourie's The Blackamoor of Peter the Great : Pushkin's exotic ancestor as twentieth-century opera322
App. ACreativity and blackness - a note on Yury Tynianov's "the gannibals"369
App. BIntroduction to "The gannibals" by Yury Tynianov377
App. CExcerpt from "My Pushkin" by Marina Tsvetaeva384
App. DExcerpt from Strolls with Pushkin by Abram Tertz (Andrei Sinyavsky)393













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Under the Sky of My Africa: Alexander Pushkin and Blackness, A wide-ranging consideration of the nature and significance of Pushkin's African heritage
Roughly in the year 1705, a young African boy, acquired from the seraglio of the Turkish sultan, was transported to Russia as a gift to Peter the Great. This chil, Under the Sky of My Africa: Alexander Pushkin and Blackness

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Under the Sky of My Africa: Alexander Pushkin and Blackness, A wide-ranging consideration of the nature and significance of Pushkin's African heritage
Roughly in the year 1705, a young African boy, acquired from the seraglio of the Turkish sultan, was transported to Russia as a gift to Peter the Great. This chil, Under the Sky of My Africa: Alexander Pushkin and Blackness

Under the Sky of My Africa: Alexander Pushkin and Blackness

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Under the Sky of My Africa: Alexander Pushkin and Blackness, A wide-ranging consideration of the nature and significance of Pushkin's African heritage
Roughly in the year 1705, a young African boy, acquired from the seraglio of the Turkish sultan, was transported to Russia as a gift to Peter the Great. This chil, Under the Sky of My Africa: Alexander Pushkin and Blackness

Under the Sky of My Africa: Alexander Pushkin and Blackness

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