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The Harper American Literature, Single Volume Edition Book

The Harper American Literature, Single Volume Edition
The Harper American Literature, Single Volume Edition, A richly diverse gathering of new and familiar voices, on subjects new and old, The Harper Single Volume American Literature takes the reader on a journey through America's literary past and ever-projecting future. Eleven cultural portfolios provide windo, The Harper American Literature, Single Volume Edition has a rating of 1.5 stars
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The Harper American Literature, Single Volume Edition, A richly diverse gathering of new and familiar voices, on subjects new and old, The Harper Single Volume American Literature takes the reader on a journey through America's literary past and ever-projecting future. Eleven cultural portfolios provide windo, The Harper American Literature, Single Volume Edition
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  • The Harper American Literature, Single Volume Edition
  • Written by author Donald McQuade
  • Published by Longman, December 1998
  • A richly diverse gathering of new and familiar voices, on subjects new and old, The Harper Single Volume American Literature takes the reader on a journey through America's literary past and ever-projecting future.
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CONTENTS The Literature of the New World. Introduction. The Discoveries of America. Native American Literature<58> First Encounters. How the New World Became America. A Literature of Experience. America and the Pastoral Ideal. Survival and Rebirth. Toward a Pluralistic Culture. Native American Narratives. A Bering Strait Eskimo Creation Account. The Time When There Were No People on the Earth Plain. Seneca Account. The Story Telling Stone. Cultural Portfolio<58> The European Conquest of America. The Saga of the Greenlanders, Anonymous. Michele de Cuneo’s Letter on Columbus’s Second Voyage, Michele de Cuneo. Broken Spears<58> The Aztec Account of Conquest of Mexico, Anonymous. @MAHEADS = The Conquest of New Spain, Bernal Díaz. The Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel, Anonymous. The Conquest of New Spain, Bernal Díaz. Letter to the King, Giovanni da Verrazano. The Narrative of the Expedition of Coronado, Pedro de Casteneda. A Brief and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia, Thomas Hariot. The Journal of the First Voyage, October 12, 1492. Michele de Cuneo’s Letter on the Second Voyage, October 28, 1495. Columbus’s Letter to the Sovereigns on the Third Voyage, October 18, 1498. The Narrative of Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca. Letter to Captain John Smith, Powhatan. The Generall Historie of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles, Book III, Chapter II <91>Captain Smith’s Captivity<93>, Captain John Smith. From a Description of New England <91>Growing Rich in the New World<93>. The Literature of Colonial America. Introduction. A “Cittyupon a Hill<58>” - New England. The Religious Background. The Voyage; The Landfall. Puritan Beliefs. Puritan Literature. Native Americans. Government Obedience. Women. A “Vale of Plenty” - The South. Southern Intellectual Life. Toward the Revolution<58> the 18th Century. The Enlightenment. Jonathan Edwards and the Great Awakening. Settlers and Skirmishes. Of Plymouth Plantation, William Bradford. Related Voices. The Life of William Bradford, Esq, Cotton Mather. A Model of Christian Charity, John Winthrop. The Prologue, Anne Bradstreet. The Author to Her Book. Before the Birth of One of Her Children. To My Dear and Loving Husband. In Memory of My Dear Grandchild Elizabeth Bradstreet. Here Follows Some Verses upon the Burning of Our House. To My Dear Children. Cultural Portfolio<58> The Witchcraft Trials. Witch Hunting & Witch Trials, C. L’Estrange Ewen. Magnelia Christi Americana, Cotton Mather. The Diary of Samuel Sewall, Samuel Sewall. Anne Hutchinson’s Trial. From The Antinomian Controversy (David D. Hall, ed.). From John Winthrop’s Journal. A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, Mary Rowlandson. Related Voices. Hanna Dustan’s Narrative, Cotton Mather. @AHEADS = Cultural Portfolio<58> The Ways of the Native Americans. Book III<58> Of the Indians, Their Religion, Laws, and Customs, in War and Peace, Robert Beverly. A Key Into the Language of America, Roger Williams. History of the Dividing Line, William Byrd. Notes on the State of Virginia, Thomas Jefferson. Preparatory Meditations, Edward Taylor. William Byrd<58> His Secret Diary for the Years 1709-1712, William Byrd. From Personal Narrative, Jonathan Edwards. From Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. The Autobiography, Benjamin Franklin. Poor Richard Improved, 1758. From Information to Those Who Would Remove to America. Native Americans and the Myth of the Noble Savage. From “Of Coaches”, Michel de Montaigne. Of Plymouth Plantation, William Bradford. From Letter to Sir William Ashurst (May 3, 1700), Samuel Sewall. From Letter (1732), General Jeffrey Amherst. From Discourse upon the Origin and Foundation of the Inequality Among Mankind, Jean-Jacques Rousseau. From A Narrative of the Late Massacres in Lancaster County, Benjamin Franklin. From Travels Round the World in the Years 1767-1771, Pierre Marie François de Pages. The Unseen Helpers, Seneca and Cherokee Oral History. Hemp-Carrier. A Sermon Preached at the Execution of Moses Paul, An Indian Samson Occom. On the Death of the Rev. Mr. George Whitefield, 1770, Phillis Wheatley. On Being Brought from Africa to America. To S. M. a Young African Painter, on Seeing His Works. To His Excellency General Washington. Related Voices. Thomas Jefferson. Notes on the State of Virginia, 1787. The Literature of the New Republic, 1776-1836. Introduction. The Literature of Persuasion. Making Thirteen Clocks Tick Together. Cultivating New Meanings. The Quest for Literary Independence. Westward Course of Empire. Printing and the Reading Public. Frontiers of Literature. The Prospects of an American Literature. The Makings of American Literature. European Models and the American Landscape. The Declaration of Independence as Adopted by Congress, Thomas Jefferson. Notes on the State of Virginia. Letter to John Adams<58> <91>March 31, 1776<58> The Passion for Liberty<93>, Abigail Adams. Related Voices. From An Address to the Legislature of New York Proposing a Plan for Improving Female Education (1819), Emma Willard. Common Sense, Thomas Paine. The American Crisis. Letters from an American Farmer, St. Jean de Crèvecoeur. The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Oloudah Equiano, Oloudah Equiano (Gustavus Vassa). Cultural Portfolio<58> Slavery, Freedom, and Identity. The Selling of Joseph<58> A Memorial, Samuel Sewall. An Address to the Public; from the Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, and the Relief of Free Negroes Unlawfully Held in Bondage, Benjamin Franklin. Notes on the State of Virginia<58> On the Traits of Blacks, Thomas Jefferson. Black Petitions for Freedom. The American Museum; or, Repository of Ancient and Modern Fugitive Pieces, Prose and Poetical (May 1789), Anonymous. From Letter IX<58> Charleston Slave, St. Jean de Crèvecoeur. No. 10 <91>James Madison<93> The Federalist. On the Emigration to America and Peopling the Western Country, Philip Freneau. The Wild Honey Suckle. The Indian Burying Ground. On Mr. Paine’s Rights of Man. Native Americans and “Westward the Course of Empire”. “1786”, Thomas Jefferson. July 13, 1787, Northwest Ordinance. “Message to Congress (December 6, 1830)”, President Andrew Jackson. “Indian Wars of the West (1833), Timothy Flint. From Letter to President Martin Van Buren on the removal of the Cherokee Indians (April 23, 1838), Ralph Waldo Emerson. From Review of Francis Parkman’s The California and Oregon Trail 1849), Herman Melville. A Son of the Forest, William Apess. The Sketch Book, Washington Irving. Rip Van Winkle. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Cultural Portfolio<58> Asserting a National Language and Literature. Dissertations on the English Language (1789), Noah Webster. Fable from American Spelling Book. Letters from an American Farmer, St. Jean de Crèvecoeur. From American Language and Literature (1815), Walter Channing. Salmagundi, Second Series. Saturday, August 19, 1820, James Kirke Paulding. Preface to The Leather-stocking Tales, James Fenimore Cooper. The Deerslayer. The Pioneers. The Prairie. Appeal to the Christian Women of the South, Sarah and Angelina Grimkè. Related Voices. Sojourner Truth <91>As Reported in The Anti-Slavery Bugle<93>. Thanatopsis, William Cullen Bryant. To a Waterfowl. The Prairies. The Literature of the American Renaissance, 1836-1865. @AHEADS = Introduction. “Who Reads American Books?” A Revolution in Consciousness. “Incomparable Materials.” An Improving Spirit. “Self-made or Never Made.” Gold Rush. Railroad Iron. Impending Crisis. “Swallow Barn”, John Pendleton Kennedy. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Related Voices. “The Supremacy of Mind over Matter”, George Ripley. Nature. The American Scholar. Related Voices. Air Intllectual declaration of Independence Thomas Carlyle, Oliver Wendell Holmes, and James Russell Lowell. An Address. Self-Reliance. The Poet. Experience. Concord Hymn. The Rhodora. Each and All. Hamatreya. Days. Cultural Portfolio<58> Nature’s Nation. From Essay on American Scenery, Thomas Cole. From Nature, Ralph Waldo Emerson. From Circles. From The Knickerbocker, James Brooks. The Maine Woods, Henry David Thoreau. From The Pioneers, James Fenimore Cooper. Walden, Henry David Thoreau. Resistance to Civil Government. American Literature, Margaret Fuller. Ligeia, Edgar Allan Poe. The Fall of the House of Usher. The Purloined Letter. The Cask of Amontillado. The Philosophy of Composition. Sonnet - To Science. To Helen. The Raven. Ulalume - A Ballad. Annabel Lee. The Bells. My Kinsman, Major Molineux, Nathaniel Hawthorne. Young Goodman Brown. Wakefield. The Maypole of Merry Mount. The Minister’s Black Veil. Rappacini’s Daughter. Bartleby, The Scrivener<58> A Tale of Wall Street, Herman Melville. The Paradise of Bachelors and the Tartarus of Maids. Billy Budd, Sailor. Battle Pieces and Aspects of the War. Timoleon, Etc. Massachusetts to Virginia, John Greenleaf Whittier. Ichabod. Skipper Ireson’s Ride. Telling the Bees. Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Harriet Beecher Stowe. Headnote, Harriet Ann Jacobs. Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl. The Big Bear of Arkansas, Thomas Bangs Thorpe. The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave, Written by Himself, Frederick Douglass. A Diary from Dixie, Mary Boykin Miller Chesnut. Address Delivered at the Dedication of the Cemetery at Gettysburg, Abraham Lincoln. Second Inaugural Address. Little Women, Louisa May Alcott. Rebecca Harding Davis. Life in the Iron Mills. Related Voices. From Iron Interests of Wheeling, A. W. Campbell. From The Gospel of Wealth, Andrew Carnegie. From Testimony Before the United States Senate Committee on Labor and Education, 1883, John Roach. From Lectures to Young Men, Henry Ward Beecher. Leaves of Grass <91>1891-1892<93>Preface to the 1855 Edition, Walt Whitman. Inscriptions. One’s Self I Sing. I Hear America Singing. Song of Myself. Children of Adam. I Sing the Body Electric. Once I Pass’d Through a Populous City. Facing West from California’s Shores. As Adam Early in the Morning. Calamus. I Saw in Louisiana a Live-Oak Growing. Here the Frailest Leaves of Me. Crossing Brooklyn Ferry. Sea Drift. Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking. As I Ebbed With the Ocean of Life. By the Roadside. When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer. Drum-Taps. Cavalry Crossing a Ford. A March in the Ranks Hard-Prest, and the Road Unknown. A Sight in Camp in the Daybreak Gray and Dim. The Wound-Dresser. Reconciliation. Memories of President Lincoln. When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d. Autumn Rivulets. There Was a Child Went Forth. Passage to India. The Sleepers. Whispers of Heavenly Death. A Noiseless Patient Spider. 67<58> <91>Success is counted sweetest<93>, Emily Dickinson. 185<58> <91>“Faith” is a Fine Invention<93>. 214<58> <91>I Taste a Liquor Never Brewed-<93>. 216<58> <91>Safe in the Alabaster Chambers-<93>. 241<58> <91>I Like a Look of Agony<93>. 258<58> <91>There’s a Certain Slant of Light<93>. 280<58> <91>I felt a Funeral, in My Brain<93>. 303<58> <91>The Soul Selects her own Society-<93>. 324<58> <91>Some Keep the Sabbath Going to Church-<93>. 338<58> <91>I Know that He Exists<93>. 341<58> <91>After Great Pain, a Formal Feeling Comes-<93>. 401<58> <91>What Soft-Cherubic Creatures-<93>. 435<58> <91>Much Madness is Divinest Sense-<93>. 441<58> <91>This is My Letter to the World<93>. 448<58> <91>This was a Poet - It is That<93>. 449<58> <91>I Died for Beauty - But was Scarce<93>. 465<58> <91>I Heard a Fly Buzz - When I Died-<93>. 501<58> <91>This World is not Conclusion<93>. 536<58> <91>The Hearts asks Pleasure - First-<93>. 585<58> <91>I Like to See it Lap the Miles-<93>. 632<58> <91>The Brain - is Wider Than the Sky-<93>. 640<58> <91>I Cannot Live with You-<93>. 650<58> <91>Pain - Has an Element of Blank-<93>. 657<58> <91>I Dwell in Possibility-<93>. 709<58> <91>Publication - is the Auction<93>. 712<58> <91>Because I Could Not Stop for Death-<93>. 721<58> <91>Behind Me - Dips Eternity-<93>. 754<58> <91>My Life had Stood - A Loaded Gun-<93>. 764<58> <91>Presentiment - is That Long Shadow - on the Lawn<93>. 986<58> <91>A Narrow Fellow in the Grass<93>. 1052<58> <91>I Never Saw a Moor-<93>. 1071<58> <91>Perception of an Object Costs<93>. 1078<58> <91>The Bustle in a House<93>. 1125<58> <91>Oh Sumptuous Moment<93>. 1129<58> <91>Tell All the Truth But Tell it Slant-<93>. 1463<58> <91>A Route of Evanescence<93>. 1540<58> <91>As Imperceptibly as Grief<93>. 1545<58> <91>The Bible is an Antique Volume-<93>. 1624<58> <91>Apparently with No Surprise<93>. 1651<58> <91>A Word made Flesh is Seldom<93>. 1670<58> <91>In Winter in My Room<93>. 1732<58> <91>My Life Closed Twice Before its Close-<93>. 1755<58> <91>To Make a Prairie it Takes a Clover and One Bee<93>. 1760<58> <91>Elysium is as Far as To<93>. Excerpts from the Letters of Emily Dickinson. The Literature of an Expanding Nation, 1865-1912. Introduction. The Paradox of Peace. Opportunism and Corruption. Exposure and Reform. The Old Order Gives Way. The Writer’s Profession. Getting at “The Real.” Writing About Lives on the Margin. The Writer’s Challenge. What is an “American”? Emerging Feminine Identities. New Words, New Definitions. A Nation Connected. A New Reading Public. Thinking Hard and Writing Well. Cultural Portfolio<58> The New Immigrants. The New Colossus, Emma Lazarus. The American Scene, Henry James. The Rise of David Levinsky, Abraham Cahan. Angel Island, Anonymous. The Biography of a Chinaman, Lee Chew. From Bread Givers, Anzia Yezierska. Native American Assimilation and a Reemerging Tradition. From The Conspiracy of Pontiac (1851), Francis Parkman. From Message to Congress (1867), President Andrew Johnson. From United States v. Lucero (1869) U.S. Supreme Court. From letter to the city officials at Santa Fe, New Mexico (1883), Walt Whitman. From the North American Review (April 1902), Hamlin Garland. From The Bear (1942), William Faulkner. Seattle (1786-1866) Our People are Ebbing Away Like a Rapidly Receding Tide. Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins (1844-1891) Life Among the Piutes. The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, Mark Twain. Fenimore Cooper’s Literary Offenses. Corn-Pone Opinions. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. From The American Short Story, William Dean Howells. Editha. The Education of Henry Adams, Henry Adams. The Dynamo and the Virgin (1900). From The Art of Fiction, Henry James. From Preface to The American. From Hawthorne. Daisy Miller. The Diary of Alice James, Alice James. An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, Ambrose Bierce. Cultural Portfolio<58> Oral Traditions and Turn-of-the-Century Literature. The Journal of American Folklore, Franz Boas, et al. Sam Lawson’s Oldtown Fireside Stories, Harriet Beecher Stowe. My Opinions and Betsey Bobbet’s, Marietta Holley (Josiah Allen’s Wife). Eastern European Jewish Oral Tradition. Yiddish Proverbs, Translated by Isadore Goldstick. How to Tell a Story, Mark Twain. The Virginian, Owen Wister. From Sut Lovingood<58> Yarns Spun by a Nat’ral Born Durn’d Fool, George Washington Harris. The Rabbit and the Tar Wolf, Cherokee Oral Tradition. Uncle Remus<58> His Songs and His Sayings, Joel Chandler Harris. Mules and Men, Zora Neale Hurston. Steal Away to Jesus, African American Spirituals. Go Down, Moses. The Souls of Black Folk, W. E. B. Dubois. Ballads and World Songs, John Henry. Cotton Mill Colic. Gone with the Wind, Margaret Mitchell. A White Heron, Sarah Orne Jewett. The Awakening, Kate Chopin. The Yellow Wallpaper, Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Why I Wrote “The Yellow Wallpaper”. Related Voices. The Great Modern American Stories, William Dean Howells. The Other Two, Edith Wharton. Up from Slavery, Booker T. Washington. The Souls of Black Folks, W. E. B. Dubois. Frederick Douglass, Paul Laurence Dunbar. We Wear the Mask. Sympathy. Richard Cory, Edward Arlington Robinson. Miniver Cheevy. Eros Turannos. Mr. Flood’s Party. The Open Boat, Stephen Crane. The Black Riders and Other Lines. He Got a Ride, Theodore Dreiser. To Build a Fire, Jack London. Impressions of an Indian Childhood, Zitkala S´a (Gertrude Simmons Bonnin). School Days. The Literature of a New Century, 1912-1945. Introduction. New World<58> New Writers. The Great War. The Age of Business and Frolic. Racism and Sexism. An Alienated Generation. The Making of American Modernists. From the Crash to the New Deal. Social Criticism and Marxism. The Second World War. The Dawn of Postmodernism. Neighbor Rosicky, Willa Cather. The Mending Wall, Robert Frost. The Road Not Taken. The Oven Bird. After Apple-Picking. Birches. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening. Once by the Pacific. Desert Places. Design. The Most of It. Directive. Trifles, Susan Keating Glaspell. The Egg, Sherwood Anderson. Chicago, Carl Sandburg. Fog. Cool Tombs. Sunday Morning, Wallace Stevens. Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird. Anecdote of the Jar. The Emperor of Ice-Cream. The Idea of Order at Key West. The Poem that Took the Place of a Mountain. America and I, Anzia Yezierska. Queen Anne’s Lace, William Carlos Williams. Spring and All. The Red Wheelbarrow. This is Just to Say. The Yachts. The River-Merchant’s Wife<58> A Letter, Ezra Pound. A Pact. In a Station in the Metro. From Hugh Selwyn Mauberley (Life and Contacts). From The Cantos. Sea Rose, H. D. (Hilda Doolittle). Oread. Helen. Boats in a Fog, Robinson Jeffers. Hurt Hawks. Poetry, Marianne Moore. The Fish. A Grave. The Monkeys. The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, T. S. Eliot. Gerontion. The Waste Land. The Hollow Men. From Tradition and the Individual Talent. The Emperor Jones, Eugene O’Neill. The Jilting of Granny Weatherall, Katherine Anne Porter. The Gilded Six-Bits, Zora Neale Hurston. Spunk. <91>Euclid Alone has Looked on Beauty Bare<93>, Edna St. Vincent Millay. <91>Love is Not All; It is Not Meat nor Drink<93>. Cane, Jean Toomer. Cultural Portfolio<58> The Harlem Renaissance. From The New Negro<58> An Interpretation, Alain Locke. God’s Trombones, James Weldon Johnson. From The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain, Langston Hughes. The Heart of a Woman, Georgia Douglas Johnson. Smothered Fires. Motherhood. Sweat, Zora Neale Hurston. Ma Rainey, Sterling A. Brown. Slim in Hell. Remembering Nat Turner. Yet Do I Marvel, Countee Cullen. Incident. Heritage. Sonnet to a Negro in Harlem, Helene Johnson. What Do I Care for Morning. Remember Not. The Big Sea, Langston Hughes. <91>in Just-<93>, E. E. Cummings. <91>the Cambridge ladies who live in furnished souls<93>. <91>next to god of course america i<93>. <91>my sweet old etcetera<93>. <91>i sing of Olaf glad and big<93>. <91>anyone lived in a pretty how town<93>. <91>what a proud dreamhorse<93>. Winter Dreams, F. Scott Fitzgerald. Spotted Horses, William Faulkner. That Evening Sun. Barn Burning. Cultural Portfolio<58> The Southern Renaissance. From The Mind of the South, W. J. Cash. Look Homeward, Angel, Thomas Wolfe. From The Sound and the Fury, William Faulkner. Two Writers’ Beginnings. From Black Boy<58> A Record of Childhood and Youth, Richard Wright. From American Hunger. From A Sweet Devouring, Eudora Welty. Three Poets. Bells for John Whiteside’s Daughter, John Crowe Ransom. Piazza Piece. The Equilibrists. Ode to the Confederate Dead, Allen Tate. Bearded Oaks, Robert Penn Warren. Two Collaborations. From You Have Seen Their Faces, Erskine Caldwell and Margaret Bourke-White. From Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, James Agee and Walker Evans. Black Tambourine, Hart Crane. Chaplinesque. At Melville’s Tomb. Voyages I, II, III. The Bridge (selection). Soldier’s Home, Ernest Hemingway. The Negro Speaks of Rivers, Langston Hughes. The Weary Blues. I, Too. Dream Boogie. Theme for English B. Long Black Song, Richard Wright. Why I Live at the P.O. , Eudora Welty. The Literature Since Midcentury, 1945- the Present. Introduction. Contemporary Literature. The First Post war Generation. The Second Post war Generation and Vietnam. Cuttings, Theodore Roethke. Cuttings (later). My Papa’s Waltz. The Lost Son. Elegy for Jane. The Waking. The Fish, Elizabeth Bishop. At the Fishhouses. Questions of Travel. Sestina. In the Waiting Room. One Art. The Glass Menagerie, Tennessee Williams. Homage to the Empress of the Blues, Robert Hayden. Those Winter Sundays. A Letter from Phillis Wheatley. Related Voices. A Letter to Obour Tanner, Phillis Wheatley. I Stand Here Ironing, Tillie Olsen. The Battle Royal, Ralph Ellison. The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner, Randall Jarrell. The Woman at the Washington Zoo. Memories of West Street and Lepke, Robert Lowell. Skunk Hour. For the Union Dead. History. For John Berryman. Epilogue. From A Street in Bronzeville, Gwendolyn Brooks. Negro Hero. A Bronzeville Mother Loiters in Mississippi.@AHEADS = Meanwhile, a Mississippi Mother Burns Bacon. The Last Quatrain of the Ballad of Emmet Till. The Blackstone Rangers. Young Afrikans@MAHEADS = Love Calls Us to the Things of This World, Richard Wilbur. Playboy. The Writer. Cottage Street, 1953. Pleasures, Denise Levertov. The Ache of Marriage. O Taste and See. Where Is the Angel? From The Armies of the Night, Norman Mailer. Sonny’s Blues, James Baldwin. Letter to My Nephew on the One-Hundredth Anniversary of the Emancipation. A Good Man Is Hard to Find, Flannery O’Connor. From Howl, Allen Ginsburg. A Supermarket in California. America. The Painter, John Ashbery. These Lacustrine Cities. Soonest Mended. Syringa. Landscapeople. Lament for My Brother on a Hayrake, James Wright. A Note Left in Jimmy Leonard’s Shack. At the Executed Murderer’s Grave. Autumn Begins in Martin’s Ferry, Ohio. Lightning Bugs Asleep in the Afternoon. Coming Home, Philip Levine. They Feed the Lion. You Can have It. Her Kind, Anne Sexton. The Truth the Dead Know. Self in 1958. For My Lover, Returning to His Wife. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Letter from a Birmingham Jail, Martin Luther King, Jr. Living in Sin, Adrienne Rich. The Knight. Necessities of Life. “I Am in Danger - Sir -.” Trying to Talk with a Man. Diving into the Wreck. Translations. The Ninth Symphony of Beethoven Understood at Last as a Sexual Message. Playing in the Dark, Toni Morrison. Separating, John Updike. Black Rook in Rainy Weather, Sylvia Plath. Daddy. Medusa. Ariel. Lady Lazarus. Death <38> Co. Fever 1030. The Conversion of the Jews, Philip Roth. Black Mother Woman, Audre Lorde. Equinox. Walking Our Boundaries. Afterimages. House Made of Dawn, N. Scott Momaday. From The Priest of the Sun. Ghosts, Mary Oliver. Owls. The Sun. When Death Comes. Thorow, Susan Howe. Dear John, Dear Coltrane, Michael S. Harper. American History. Nightmare Begins Responsibility. Peace on Earth. Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? Joyce Carol Oates. What We Talk About When We Talk About Love, Raymond Carver. Shiloh, Bobbie Ann Mason. The Woman Warrior; No Name Woman, Maxine Hong Kingston. Everyday Use, Alice Walker. The Things They Carried, Tim O’Brien. Storyteller, Leslie Marmon Silko. Lullaby. The Geese, Jorie Graham. Over and Over Stitch. Mind. My Garden, My Daylight. Banneker, Rita Dove. Parsley. Roast Possum. Dusting. Mississippi. In a Neutral City. The Kind of Light That Shines on Texas, Reginald McKnight. Lost on September Trail, 1967, Alberto Rios. Mi Abuelo. Nani. The Good Lunch of Oceans. Barbie-Q, Sandra Cisneros. Lulu’s Boys, Louise Erdrich. Lost Sister, Cathy Song. Youngest Daughter. The White Porch. Beauty and Sadness. Mona in the Promised Land, Gish Jen. Angels in America<58> Millennium Approaches, Tony Kushner. Eating Together, Li-Young Lee. Persimmons. The City in Which I Love You. Cultural Portfolio<58> Who Is an American Writer? Terra Incognita, Vladimir Nabokov. Escape from Civilization, Isaac Bashevis Singer. To Robinson Jeffers, Czeslaw Milosz. To the Western World, Louis (Aston Marantz) Simpson. American Poetry. A Far Cry From Africa, Derek Walcott. Preparing for Exile. Old New England. Sarita, Maria Irene Fornes. Happiness, Bharati Mukherjee. Letters from the Ming Dynasty, Joseph Brodsky. May 24, 1980, Girl, Jamaica Kincaid. Letters from the Ming Dynasty, Joseph Brodsky. May 24, 1980, Girl, Jamaica Kincaid.













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The Harper American Literature, Single Volume Edition, A richly diverse gathering of new and familiar voices, on subjects new and old, The Harper Single Volume American Literature takes the reader on a journey through America's literary past and ever-projecting future. Eleven cultural portfolios provide windo, The Harper American Literature, Single Volume Edition

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The Harper American Literature, Single Volume Edition, A richly diverse gathering of new and familiar voices, on subjects new and old, The Harper Single Volume American Literature takes the reader on a journey through America's literary past and ever-projecting future. Eleven cultural portfolios provide windo, The Harper American Literature, Single Volume Edition

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The Harper American Literature, Single Volume Edition, A richly diverse gathering of new and familiar voices, on subjects new and old, The Harper Single Volume American Literature takes the reader on a journey through America's literary past and ever-projecting future. Eleven cultural portfolios provide windo, The Harper American Literature, Single Volume Edition

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