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Seven Hands, Seven Hearts: Prose and Poetry Book

Seven Hands, Seven Hearts: Prose and Poetry
Seven Hands, Seven Hearts: Prose and Poetry, Her poems are like hands and hearts and also like lights: they grip and pulse and illuminate. Like the woman herself, the work is grand and modest and forceful. It will shake you, and move you deeply.--<i>The Bloomsbury Review</i> Woody follows in the , Seven Hands, Seven Hearts: Prose and Poetry has a rating of 3 stars
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Seven Hands, Seven Hearts: Prose and Poetry, Her poems are like hands and hearts and also like lights: they grip and pulse and illuminate. Like the woman herself, the work is grand and modest and forceful. It will shake you, and move you deeply.--The Bloomsbury Review Woody follows in the , Seven Hands, Seven Hearts: Prose and Poetry
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  • Seven Hands, Seven Hearts: Prose and Poetry
  • Written by author Elizabeth Woody
  • Published by The Eighth Mountain Press, September 1994
  • "Her poems are like hands and hearts and also like lights: they grip and pulse and illuminate. Like the woman herself, the work is grand and modest and forceful. It will shake you, and move you deeply."--The Bloomsbury Review "Woody follows in the
  • Seven Hands, Seven Hearts includes the entirety of Elizabeth Woody's highly acclaimed first book of poems, Hand into Stone - winner of the American Book Award - as well as new poems, stories, and essays. The work is united by common themes: a rootedness i
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Book Categories


Story Power33
Reminiscent of Salmon Woman41
Water Combined with Throat Singing42
The Bridge43
Horse and Woman44
We Remember Our Relatives45
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Longhouse II49
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Distant Cousins55
Chinle Summer57
Wyam: Echo of Falling Water63
In Memory of Crossing the Columbia70
Black Night Stones and the Shine of Abalone71
Hand into Stone73
Of Steps to Drowning74
She-Who-Watches, the Names Are Prayer76
The Sense78
Originating Fire79
Black Fear80
Shaker Church Prayer82
Birds in This Woman84
Spider Woman's Coyote Bones89
Scratch Medicine and Tenements94
Siamese Ghosts (The Disturbed Spirits)96
Speaking Hands104
Custer Must Have Learned to Dance106
She Is a Stranger to Intimacy107
A Warrior and the Glass Prisoners111
Cold Blood116
Hand to Hand, the Circles Embrace118
Our Reverence and Difficult Return119
Notes on the Poems123













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Seven Hands, Seven Hearts: Prose and Poetry, Her poems are like hands and hearts and also like lights: they grip and pulse and illuminate. Like the woman herself, the work is grand and modest and forceful. It will shake you, and move you deeply.--<i>The Bloomsbury Review</i> Woody follows in the , Seven Hands, Seven Hearts: Prose and Poetry

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Seven Hands, Seven Hearts: Prose and Poetry, Her poems are like hands and hearts and also like lights: they grip and pulse and illuminate. Like the woman herself, the work is grand and modest and forceful. It will shake you, and move you deeply.--<i>The Bloomsbury Review</i> Woody follows in the , Seven Hands, Seven Hearts: Prose and Poetry

Seven Hands, Seven Hearts: Prose and Poetry

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Seven Hands, Seven Hearts: Prose and Poetry, Her poems are like hands and hearts and also like lights: they grip and pulse and illuminate. Like the woman herself, the work is grand and modest and forceful. It will shake you, and move you deeply.--<i>The Bloomsbury Review</i> Woody follows in the , Seven Hands, Seven Hearts: Prose and Poetry

Seven Hands, Seven Hearts: Prose and Poetry

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