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Rational Passions: Women and Scholarship in Britain, 1702-1870 Book

Rational Passions: Women and Scholarship in Britain, 1702-1870
Rational Passions: Women and Scholarship in Britain, 1702-1870, This anthology of primarily non-fiction works by British women (1702-1870) introduces readers to a range of lesser-known texts and examines thei authors'? scholarly ambitions and often groundbreaking achievements.
Despite their lack of civil and politi, Rational Passions: Women and Scholarship in Britain, 1702-1870 has a rating of 3 stars
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Rational Passions: Women and Scholarship in Britain, 1702-1870, This anthology of primarily non-fiction works by British women (1702-1870) introduces readers to a range of lesser-known texts and examines thei authors'? scholarly ambitions and often groundbreaking achievements. Despite their lack of civil and politi, Rational Passions: Women and Scholarship in Britain, 1702-1870
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  • Rational Passions: Women and Scholarship in Britain, 1702-1870
  • Written by author Felicia Gordon
  • Published by University of Toronto Press, Higher Education Division, March 2008
  • This anthology of primarily non-fiction works by British women (1702-1870) introduces readers to a range of lesser-known texts and examines thei authors'? scholarly ambitions and often groundbreaking achievements. Despite their lack of civil and politi
  • This anthology of primarily non-fiction works by British women (1702-1870) introduces readers to a range of lesser-known texts and examines their authors? scholarly ambitions and often groundbreaking achievements.  Despite their lack of civil
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Part 1: History and Politics

1. Elizabeth Elstob (1683-1756)

The Rudiments of Grammar for the English-Saxon Tongue, First given in English with an Apology for the Study of Northern Antiquities (1715)

2. Priscilla Wakefield (1750-1832)

Reflections on the Present Condition of the Female Sex with Suggestions for its Improvement (1798)

3. Anna Lætitia Barbauld (1743-1825)

An Address to the Opposers of the Repeal of the Corporation and Test Acts (1790)

4. Catharine Macaulay Graham (1731-1791)

Observations on the Reflections of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke on the Revolution in France, In a Letter to the Right Hon. The Earl of Stanhope (1790)

The History of England From the Accession of James I to the Elevation of the House of Hanover (1768)

5. Lucy Aikin (1781-1864)

"The Trial and Execution of Mary Queen of Scots," Memoirs of the Court of Elizabeth (1818)

6. Agnes Strickland (1796-1874)

"Elizabeth," Lives of the Queens of England From the Norman Conquest (1877)

7. Mary Hays (1759-1843)

"Catharine Macaulay Graham," Female Biography (1803)

8. Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (1797-1851)

"Madame de Staël," Lives of the Most Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of France (1838-1839)

9. Harriet Martineau (1802-1876)

"Preface," Illustrations of Political Economy (1832)

Part 2: Education

10. Hester Chapone (née Mulso) (1727-1801)

"A Matrimonial Creed; addressed by Miss Mulso to Mr. Richardson in consequence ofhis questioning her strictly on what she believed to be the duties of the married state (1750-1751)," The Works of Mrs. Chapone (1807)     

Letters on the Improvement of the Mind. Addressed to a Young Lady (1773)

11. Hester Lynch Piozzi (1740-1821)

Observations and Reflections Made in the Course of a Journey Through France, Italy, and Germany (1789)

British Synonymy; or, An Attempt at Regulating the Choice of Words in Familiar Conversation (1794)

12. Elizabeth Hamilton (1758-1816)

Letters on the Elementary Principles of Education (1801)

13. Catherine Macaulay Graham (1731-1791)

Letters on Education with Observations on Religious and Metaphysical Subjects (1790)

14. Hannah More (1745-1833)

Strictures on the Modern System of Female Education. With a View of the Principles and Conduct Prevalent Among Women of Rank and Fortune (1799)

15. Mary Hays (1759-1843)

"Letter IV," Letters and Essays, Moral, and Miscellaneous (1793)

16. Maria Edgeworth (1767-1849)

Letters for Literary Ladies (1795)

Part 3: Philosophy and Religion

17. Catherine Trotter (1674-1749)

A Vindication of an Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1702) 

18. Elizabeth Carter (1717-1806)

"Introduction," All the Works of Epictetus (1758)

"Chapter XII: Of Contentment," All the Works of Epictetus (1758)

A Series of Letters between Mrs. Elizabeth Carter and Miss Catherine Talbot

The Rambler, Number XLIV (1750)

19. Anna Lætitia Barbauld (1743-1825)

Remarks on Mr. Gilbert Wakefield'sEnquiry into the Expediency and Propriety of Public or Social Worship (1792)

20. Harriet Martineau (1802-1876)

"Preface," The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte (1853)

"Chapter 1," The Positive Philosophy of August Comte (1853)

Part 4: Art and Literary Criticism

21. Elizabeth Montagu (1718-1800)

"Introduction," Essay on the Writings and Genius of Shakespear, Compared with the Greek and French Dramatic Poets. With Some Remarks Upon the Misrepresentation of Mons. De Voltaire (1769)

22. Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797)

Review of Letters on Education, by Catharine Macaulay Graham, Analytical Review (1790)

Review of Observations and Reflections, made in the Course of a Journey through France, Italy and Germany, by Hester Lynch Piozzi, Analytical Review (1789)

23. Anna Lætitia Barbauld (1743-1825)

"Miss Burney," The British Novelists (1810)

24. Mary Cowden Clarke (1809-1898)

The Complete Concordance to Shakespeare (1845; 1881)

25. Anna Jameson (1794-1860)

Sacred and Legendary Art (1848)

Part 5: Science and Mathematics

26. Priscilla Wakefield (1750-1832)

Introduction to Botany (1796)

27. Jane Marcet (1769-1858)

Conversations on Chemistry in which the Elements of that Science are Familiarly Explained and Illustrated by Experiments, in two volumes (1817)

28. Ada (Augusta) Byron (1815-1852)

Notes on Menabrea'sMemoir on Babbage'sCalculating Engines (1843)

29. Mary Fairfax Somerville (1780-1872)

On the Connexion of the Physical Sciences (1834)















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Rational Passions: Women and Scholarship in Britain, 1702-1870, This anthology of primarily non-fiction works by British women (1702-1870) introduces readers to a range of lesser-known texts and examines thei authors'? scholarly ambitions and often groundbreaking achievements.
Despite their lack of civil and politi, Rational Passions: Women and Scholarship in Britain, 1702-1870

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Rational Passions: Women and Scholarship in Britain, 1702-1870, This anthology of primarily non-fiction works by British women (1702-1870) introduces readers to a range of lesser-known texts and examines thei authors'? scholarly ambitions and often groundbreaking achievements.
Despite their lack of civil and politi, Rational Passions: Women and Scholarship in Britain, 1702-1870

Rational Passions: Women and Scholarship in Britain, 1702-1870

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Rational Passions: Women and Scholarship in Britain, 1702-1870, This anthology of primarily non-fiction works by British women (1702-1870) introduces readers to a range of lesser-known texts and examines thei authors'? scholarly ambitions and often groundbreaking achievements.
Despite their lack of civil and politi, Rational Passions: Women and Scholarship in Britain, 1702-1870

Rational Passions: Women and Scholarship in Britain, 1702-1870

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