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Open Boat and Other Tales of Adventure Book

Open Boat and Other Tales of Adventure
Open Boat and Other Tales of Adventure, Do your students enjoy a good laugh? Do they like to be scared? Or do they just like a book with a happy ending? No matter what their taste, our Creative Short Stories series has the answer.
We've taken some of the world's best stories from dark, musty, Open Boat and Other Tales of Adventure has a rating of 2.5 stars
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Open Boat and Other Tales of Adventure, Do your students enjoy a good laugh? Do they like to be scared? Or do they just like a book with a happy ending? No matter what their taste, our Creative Short Stories series has the answer. We've taken some of the world's best stories from dark, musty, Open Boat and Other Tales of Adventure
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  • Open Boat and Other Tales of Adventure
  • Written by author Stephen Crane
  • Published by Read Books Design, April 2010
  • Do your students enjoy a good laugh? Do they like to be scared? Or do they just like a book with a happy ending? No matter what their taste, our Creative Short Stories series has the answer. We've taken some of the world's best stories from dark, musty
  • Stories in the Travelman Short Stories series take the reader to places of mystery, fantasy, horror, romance, and corners of the universe yet unexplored. In turn, readers take them on the bus or subway, slip them into briefcases and lunchboxes, and send t
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Do your students enjoy a good laugh? Do they like to be scared? Or do they just like a book with a happy ending? No matter what their taste, our Creative Short Stories series has the answer.

We've taken some of the world's best stories from dark, musty anthologies and brought them into the light, giving them the individual attention they deserve. Each book in the series has been designed with today's young reader in mind. As the words come to life, students will develop a lasting appreciation for great literature.

The humor of Mark Twain...the suspense of Edgar Allan Poe...the danger of Jack London...the sensitivity of Katherine Mansfield. Creative Short Stories has it all and will prove to be a welcome addition to any library.













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Open Boat and Other Tales of Adventure, Do your students enjoy a good laugh? Do they like to be scared? Or do they just like a book with a happy ending? No matter what their taste, our Creative Short Stories series has the answer.
We've taken some of the world's best stories from dark, musty, Open Boat and Other Tales of Adventure

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Open Boat and Other Tales of Adventure, Do your students enjoy a good laugh? Do they like to be scared? Or do they just like a book with a happy ending? No matter what their taste, our Creative Short Stories series has the answer.
We've taken some of the world's best stories from dark, musty, Open Boat and Other Tales of Adventure

Open Boat and Other Tales of Adventure

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Open Boat and Other Tales of Adventure, Do your students enjoy a good laugh? Do they like to be scared? Or do they just like a book with a happy ending? No matter what their taste, our Creative Short Stories series has the answer.
We've taken some of the world's best stories from dark, musty, Open Boat and Other Tales of Adventure

Open Boat and Other Tales of Adventure

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