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Kicking Daffodils: Twentieth-Century Women Poets Book

Kicking Daffodils: Twentieth-Century Women Poets
Kicking Daffodils: Twentieth-Century Women Poets, This book of eighteen essays demonstrates the need for a thorough reinvestigation of the frameworks within which poetry in general, and women's poetry in particular, is read and critiqued. , Kicking Daffodils: Twentieth-Century Women Poets has a rating of 3.5 stars
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Kicking Daffodils: Twentieth-Century Women Poets, This book of eighteen essays demonstrates the need for a thorough reinvestigation of the frameworks within which poetry in general, and women's poetry in particular, is read and critiqued. , Kicking Daffodils: Twentieth-Century Women Poets
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  • Kicking Daffodils: Twentieth-Century Women Poets
  • Written by author Vicki Bertram
  • Published by Edinburgh University Press, August 1997
  • This book of eighteen essays demonstrates the need for a thorough reinvestigation of the frameworks within which poetry in general, and women's poetry in particular, is read and critiqued.
  • This book of eighteen essays demonstrates the need for a thorough reinvestigation of the frameworks within which poetry in general, and women's poetry in particular, is read and critiqued.
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Sect. 1Oblique Angles: Women Poets and Modernism11
1Charlotte Mew, T. S. Eliot and Modernism13
2Great Expectations: Rehabilitating the Recalcitrant War Poets25
3H. D. Imagiste? Bisexuality: Identity: Imagism39
Sect. 2The Politics of Place55
4Dodging Around the Grand Piano: Sex, Politics and Contemporary Irish Women's Poetry57
5'From Room to Homesick Room': Women and Poetry in Northern Ireland84
6Writing Near the Fault Line: Scottish Women Poets and the Topography of Tongues95
Sect. 3(Post) Colonial Contexts111
7Sentimental Subversion: The Poetics and Politics of Devotion in the Work of Una Marson113
8'holding my beads in my hand': Dialogue, Synthesis and Power in the Poetry of Jackie Kay and Grace Nichols125
9Epic, a Woman's Place: A Study of Derek Walcott's Omeros and Jean Binta Breeze's 'A River Called Wise'140
Sect. 4The Body153
10Sylvia Plath's Revolutionary Wieldings of the Female Body155
11In/Corporation? Jackie Kay's The Adoption Papers169
12Delivering the Mother: Three Anthologies of Birth Poetry178
Sect. 5Radical Poetics189
13Lorine Niedecker On and Off the Margins: A Radical Poetics out of Objectivism191
14Reading Between the Lines: Identity in the Early Poems of Veronica Forrest-Thomson210
15Feminist Radicalism in (Relatively) Traditional Forms: An American's Investigations of British Poetics227
Sect. 6Women Poet: Reconfigurations251
16Poetry and the Position of Weakness: Some Challenges of Writing in Health-Care253
17Objecting to the Subject: Science, Femininity and Poetic Process in the Work of Elizabeth Bishop and Lavinia Greenlaw267
18'No-one's Mother': Can the Mother Write Poetry?277
Notes on Contributors298













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Kicking Daffodils: Twentieth-Century Women Poets, This book of eighteen essays demonstrates the need for a thorough reinvestigation of the frameworks within which poetry in general, and women's poetry in particular, is read and critiqued. , Kicking Daffodils: Twentieth-Century Women Poets

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Kicking Daffodils: Twentieth-Century Women Poets, This book of eighteen essays demonstrates the need for a thorough reinvestigation of the frameworks within which poetry in general, and women's poetry in particular, is read and critiqued. , Kicking Daffodils: Twentieth-Century Women Poets

Kicking Daffodils: Twentieth-Century Women Poets

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Kicking Daffodils: Twentieth-Century Women Poets, This book of eighteen essays demonstrates the need for a thorough reinvestigation of the frameworks within which poetry in general, and women's poetry in particular, is read and critiqued. , Kicking Daffodils: Twentieth-Century Women Poets

Kicking Daffodils: Twentieth-Century Women Poets

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