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Book Categories |
Prefacio | ||
Preface | ||
Introduccion | ||
Introduction | ||
El suicida destaza su carnero negro y de su vena aorta brota un chorro de palomas (Fragmentos) | 2 | |
The Suicide Butchers His Black Lamb and His Aorta Spurts Doves (Fragments) | 3 | |
Los amantes de Tlatelolco | 6 | |
The Lovers of Tlatelolco | 7 | |
Polifemo en la fuente Medicis | 8 | |
Polyphemus in the Medicis Fountain | 9 | |
Bajo cero | 14 | |
Below Zero | 15 | |
De como Robert Schumann fue vencido por los demonios (Fragmento) | 16 | |
How Robert Schumann Was Defeated by the Demons (Fragment) | 17 | |
La incubacion de Teseo en el oraculo de la noche (Fragmentos) | 18 | |
The Incubation of Theseus in the Oracle of the Night (Fragments) | 19 | |
Prendas | 28 | |
Clothing | 29 | |
Ocurrencias | 30 | |
Happenings | 31 | |
Desde los corrales de la noche | 32 | |
From the Night's Stockyards | 33 | |
Gallinas en la Quinta del Sordo | 34 | |
Chickens in the Deaf Man's Manor | 35 | |
Velas | 34 | |
Candles | 35 | |
Tu aun no usabas chanel | 38 | |
You Didn't Yet Use Chanel | 39 | |
Baccatum monile | 40 | |
Baccatum Monile | 41 | |
Giro la perilla abro | 42 | |
I Turn the Latch I Open | 43 | |
Mal suicida | 44 | |
Bad Suicide | 45 | |
Sortilegios | 46 | |
Sortileges | 47 | |
Casas en el aire (Fragmento) | 48 | |
Houses in the Air (Fragment) | 49 | |
Pagina 125 | 50 | |
Page 125 | 51 | |
A fuego lento | 56 | |
Low Boil | 57 | |
Otro gallo | 58 | |
Another Rooster | 59 | |
Un rio | 62 | |
Living Next to the River | 63 | |
Marea Roja | 64 | |
Red Tide | 65 | |
Te asustan sus verrugas | 70 | |
Their Moles Frighten You | 71 | |
Instrucciones para pintar el cielo | 72 | |
How to Paint the Sky | 73 | |
Plena union | 74 | |
Full Union | 75 | |
Acerca de la necesidad tactica de una politizacion previa | 76 | |
Concerning the Tactical Need for Previous Politicization | 77 | |
Casa de los monos | 78 | |
House of Monkeys | 79 | |
Corte de cafe (Fragmento) | 80 | |
Coffee Harvest (Fragment) | 81 | |
Poema visto en el ventilador de un motel | 82 | |
Poem Seen on a Motel Fan | 83 | |
Un domingo por la tarde en Chapultepec | 84 | |
Sunday Afternoon in Chapultepec Park | 85 | |
Feu rouge | 90 | |
Feu Rouge | 91 | |
Nervio gris | 94 | |
Gray Nerve | 95 | |
La penumbra del cuarto | 100 | |
Language Begins | 101 | |
Agua de bordes lubricos | 102 | |
Water of Shifting Borders | 103 | |
Lu/El andariego | 106 | |
Lu/The Wanderer | 107 | |
Al margen indomable (Fragmentos) | 108 | |
At the Untamable Edge (Fragments) | 109 | |
A buen resguardo (Fragmento) | 114 | |
To Good Shelter (Fragment) | 115 | |
Los cachorros (Fragmento) | 118 | |
The Cubs (Fragment) | 119 | |
Piedras | 120 | |
Stones | 121 | |
Cancion a dos voces | 122 | |
Song for Two Voices | 123 | |
La bella durmiente, peticion de | 126 | |
The Sleeping Beauty (Petition From) | 127 | |
Cafe de chinos | 128 | |
Chinese Cafe | 129 | |
Chacamaax (Fragmento) | 130 | |
Chacamaax (Fragment) | 131 | |
Cada sueno se desprendia como un amoroso soplo de espinas (Fragmentos) | 132 | |
Each Dream Broke Away Like a Lovely Burst of Thorns (Fragments) | 133 | |
Autogol | 136 | |
Self-Goal | 137 | |
Testiculario | 138 | |
Testiculary | 139 | |
Si canto tu belleza no es por otra | 140 | |
If I Sing Your Beauty | 141 | |
Despues tu cuerpo fue la calle en calma | 142 | |
Later Your Body Was the Calm Street | 143 | |
El mundo | 144 | |
The World | 145 | |
El crecimiento del pelo el paso de un ave | 146 | |
The Growth of Hair the Flight of a Bird | 147 | |
Miro en mis manos las manos de mis padres | 148 | |
I See in My Hands the Hands of My Parents | 149 | |
Una plaza | 150 | |
A Plaza | 151 | |
Este edificio es un barco al pie de un oceano | 152 | |
This Building Is a Ship at the Bottom of an Ocean | 153 | |
Hoy no mido mis versos | 156 | |
Today I Don't Measure Out My Lines | 157 | |
Poder tener en cada cuarto | 164 | |
To Have in Every Room | 165 | |
Te necesito tanto, amor | 166 | |
I Need You So Much, Love | 167 | |
Serias capaz | 168 | |
You Could | 169 | |
Te vi en el parque | 168 | |
I Saw You in the Park | 169 | |
Dispersion | 170 | |
Dispersion | 171 | |
Son para el vacio | 172 | |
Song to Empty Space | 173 | |
La casa | 174 | |
The House | 175 | |
Popocatepetl | 176 | |
Popocatepetl | 177 | |
Maestro Eckhart | 178 | |
Maestro Eckhart | 179 | |
Resurreccion (Fragmento) | 180 | |
Resurrection (Fragment) | 181 | |
Memo, motociclista | 184 | |
Memo, Motorcyclist | 185 | |
La cama angosta | 186 | |
The Narrow Bed | 187 | |
Taj Mahal | 188 | |
Taj Mahal | 189 | |
Zenit, nadir | 190 | |
Zenith, Nadir | 191 | |
Tres canciones lunaticas (Fragmento) | 192 | |
Three Songs of the Lunatic Moon (Fragment) | 193 | |
Confianza del viento (Fragmentos) | 194 | |
In the Wind's Confidence (Fragments) | 195 | |
Cuerpo y mirada | 200 | |
Body and Gaze | 201 | |
Maria Antonieta | 202 | |
Marie Antoinette | 203 | |
Primero mar | 206 | |
First, the Sea | 207 | |
rosas? | 208 | |
roses? | 209 | |
[characters not reproducible] | 210 | |
[characters not reproducible] | 211 | |
Palomas | 212 | |
Pigeons | 213 | |
Cada arbol en su sombra | 214 | |
Every Tree in Its Shadow | 215 | |
Mar | 216 | |
Sea | 217 | |
Una calle | 222 | |
A Street | 223 | |
Un arbol | 222 | |
A Tree | 223 | |
Palomas vs. senectud (Gonzalo Rojas) | 224 | |
Pigeons vs. Senescence (Gonzalo Rojas) | 225 | |
Convalecencia | 228 | |
Convalescence | 229 | |
Tanagra (Fragmento) | 230 | |
Tanagra (Fragment) | 231 | |
Sin titulo | 232 | |
Untitled | 233 | |
No se mueve la piedra | 234 | |
The Stone Does Not Move | 235 | |
Dylan y las ballenas (Fragmentos) | 238 | |
Dylan and the Whales (Fragments) | 239 | |
Dylan y las ballenas (Fragmentos) | 242 | |
Dylan and the Whales (Fragments) | 243 | |
La perfumista | 246 | |
The Perfumer | 247 | |
Las cosas | 250 | |
Things | 251 | |
El viento borra su huella de toda superficie | 252 | |
The Wind Erases Its Trace from Every Surface | 253 | |
The Cars Hiss Pass by My Window | 254 | |
The Cars Pass Slowly by My Window | 255 | |
Tokonoma (Fuga para fagot excluso) (Fragmentos) | 256 | |
Tokonoma (Fugue for a Solo Bassoon) (Fragments) | 257 | |
Para indagar la sombra | 262 | |
Delving into Shadows | 263 | |
La muerte indocil | 264 | |
Rebellious Death | 265 | |
Para decir lo que es la luz | 266 | |
To Say What Light Is | 267 | |
Traslacion de dominio (Fragmento) | 268 | |
Shift of Domain (Fragment) | 269 | |
Mensaje del que duda | 270 | |
Doubtful Message | 271 | |
Cercania del angel (Fragmento) | 272 | |
Angel Closeness (Fragment) | 273 | |
The Moon Ain't Nothing but a Broken Dish | 276 | |
The Moon Ain't Nothing but a Broken Dish | 277 | |
Una temporada en el Mictlan | 278 | |
A Season in (Aztec) Hell | 279 | |
Contributors (biografias) | 280 |
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Add Connecting Lines: New Poetry from Mexico, Two-volume bilingual anthology of Mexican and American Poets, produced in partnership between NEA/Mexican government, Connecting Lines: New Poetry from Mexico to your collection on WonderClub |