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Knee to Knee, Eye to Eye: Circling in on Comprehension Book

Knee to Knee, Eye to Eye: Circling in on Comprehension
Knee to Knee, Eye to Eye: Circling in on Comprehension, In Knee to Knee, Eye to Eye Cole addresses text, organization, management, assessment, and the tremendous amount of learning that occurs through the powerful, engaging combination of books and talk., Knee to Knee, Eye to Eye: Circling in on Comprehension has a rating of 2 stars
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Knee to Knee, Eye to Eye: Circling in on Comprehension, In Knee to Knee, Eye to Eye Cole addresses text, organization, management, assessment, and the tremendous amount of learning that occurs through the powerful, engaging combination of books and talk., Knee to Knee, Eye to Eye: Circling in on Comprehension
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  • Knee to Knee, Eye to Eye: Circling in on Comprehension
  • Written by author Ardith Davis Cole
  • Published by Heinemann, February 2003
  • In Knee to Knee, Eye to Eye Cole addresses text, organization, management, assessment, and the tremendous amount of learning that occurs through the powerful, engaging combination of books and talk.
  • Imagine this: First graders analyzing texts, critiquing ideas, debating points, and making connections. Third graders sharing analogies between slaves' lives in the 1800s and their own. Fifth graders synthesizing elements of foreshadowing befor
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Knee to Knee, Eye to Eye: Circling in on Comprehension, In Knee to Knee, Eye to Eye Cole addresses text, organization, management, assessment, and the tremendous amount of learning that occurs through the powerful, engaging combination of books and talk., Knee to Knee, Eye to Eye: Circling in on Comprehension

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Knee to Knee, Eye to Eye: Circling in on Comprehension, In Knee to Knee, Eye to Eye Cole addresses text, organization, management, assessment, and the tremendous amount of learning that occurs through the powerful, engaging combination of books and talk., Knee to Knee, Eye to Eye: Circling in on Comprehension

Knee to Knee, Eye to Eye: Circling in on Comprehension

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Knee to Knee, Eye to Eye: Circling in on Comprehension, In Knee to Knee, Eye to Eye Cole addresses text, organization, management, assessment, and the tremendous amount of learning that occurs through the powerful, engaging combination of books and talk., Knee to Knee, Eye to Eye: Circling in on Comprehension

Knee to Knee, Eye to Eye: Circling in on Comprehension

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